(Nonsensical) Self-Directed Goal Setting

Wouldn't it be nice if the software itself was able to develop its own goals. Well the opportunity afforded itself to write a very simple but nonsensical system for doing this. A trigram model is built over any source text of existing goals and then sentences are randomly generated and checked with the link parser grammar.

	  Later to make the fweb service better, we can implement PIC.
	  Is it worth searching for some of the items.
	  Keep us up to order DSL.
	  Think holistically of all the relevant mathematical concepts in a program.
	  Be sure to add parts of systems, for use in representing them.
	  This entire model of programming is going to be one!
	  Try to learn the various parts of systems, for use in tracking time.
	  Review it at the same study component for both Evangelist and Study.
	  Integrate reverse stimulation (the effect of being worked on.
	  Add current buffer detection to the backup disk.
	  Then, we can pass a few days, but now they are autoclassified.
	  Keep up to date on perl regular expressions.
	  Tie up your hands when you have to restart everything.
	  Is it worth searching for some of the art stuff.
	  Generix should have a daily summary of what we need.
	  Come up with a simple perltk user interface for classification to be in.
	  Currently my strategy seems to be determined before mission critical usage.