122 (has-child ?person ?child) A PERSON MAY HAVE A CHILD. 106 (has-children ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE CHILDREN. 82 (has-dog ?person ?dog) A PERSON MAY HAVE A DOG. 70 (has-home ?person ?home) A PERSON MAY HAVE A HOME. 68 (know ?person ?fact) A PERSON MAY KNOW A FACT. 63 (has-supply-of-medications ?person ?supply-of-medications) A PERSON MAY HAVE A SUPPLY OF MEDICATIONS. 63 (is-essential ?medication) MEDICATIONS CAN BE ESSENTIAL. 63 (is-adequate ?supply) A SUPPLY CAN BE ADEQUATE. 60 (has-spouse ?person ?spouse) A PERSON MAY HAVE A SPOUSE. 60 (has-access-to-a-shelter ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE ACCESS TO A SHELTER. 59 (has-account ?person ?account) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN ACCOUNT. 59 (has-pet ?person ?pet) A PERSON MAY HAVE A PET. 58 (has-family ?person ?family) A PERSON MAY HAVE A FAMILY. 58 (has-interest ?person ?interest) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN INTEREST. 55 (has-house ?person ?house) A PERSON MAY HAVE A HOUSE. 55 (has-room ?house ?room) A HOUSE MAY HAVE A ROOM. 53 (has-friends ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE FRIENDS. 52 (has-garden ?person ?garden) A PERSON MAY HAVE A GARDEN. 47 (has-employer ?person ?employer) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN EMPLOYER. 47 (has-parents ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE PARENTS. 46 (has-boss ?person ?boss) A PERSON MAY HAVE A BOSS. 44 (has-food ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE FOOD. 39 (has-support-networks ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE SUPPORT NETWORKS. 39 (has-computer ?person ?computer) A PERSON MAY HAVE A COMPUTER. 39 (has-work ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE WORK. 38 (has-kids ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE KIDS. 36 (has-car ?person ?car) A PERSON MAY HAVE A CAR. 35 (has-wedding ?person ?wedding) A PERSON MAY HAVE A WEDDING. 33 (has-friend ?person ?friend) A PERSON MAY HAVE A FRIEND. 32 (feel-a-sense-of-self-responsibility ?person) A PERSON MAY FEEL A SENSE OF SELF-RESPONSIBILITY. 30 (has-decision ?person ?decision) A PERSON MAY HAVE A DECISION. 29 (has-business ?person ?business) A PERSON MAY HAVE A BUSINESS. 29 (has-clothes ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE CLOTHES. 29 (has-school ?person ?school) A PERSON MAY HAVE A SCHOOL. 28 (has-race ?person ?race) A PERSON MAY HAVE A RACE. 28 (has-pets ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE PETS. 28 (has-list ?person ?list) A PERSON MAY HAVE A LIST. 27 (has-goal ?person ?goal) A PERSON MAY HAVE A GOAL. 27 (has-strength ?individuals ?strength) INDIVIDUAL -S MAY HAVE STRENGTHS. 27 (has-staples ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE STAPLES. 26 (has-money ?individuals) INDIVIDUAL -S MAY HAVE MONEY. 26 (has-partner ?person ?partner) A PERSON MAY HAVE A PARTNER. 26 (has-budget ?person ?budget) A PERSON MAY HAVE A BUDGET. 25 (has-assignments ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE ASSIGNMENTS. 25 (has-doctor ?person ?doctor) A PERSON MAY HAVE A DOCTOR. 25 (has-schedule ?person ?schedule) A PERSON MAY HAVE A SCHEDULE. 25 (has-hair ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE HAIR. 23 (has-detail ?assignment ?detail) AN ASSIGNMENT MAY HAVE A DETAIL. 22 (has-priorities ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE PRIORITIES. 22 (has-locker ?person ?locker) A PERSON MAY HAVE A LOCKER. 22 (has-habitat ?individuals ?habitat) INDIVIDUAL -S MAY HAVE A HABITAT. 22 (has-desk ?person ?desk) A PERSON MAY HAVE A DESK. 22 (has-investment ?person ?investment) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN INVESTMENT. 21 (has-fund-investment ?person ?fund-investment) A PERSON MAY HAVE A FUND INVESTMENT. 21 (increase-in-value ?fund-investment) A FUND INVESTMENT MAY INCREASE IN VALUE. 20 (has-bed ?person ?bed) A PERSON MAY HAVE A BED. 20 (has-party ?person ?party) A PERSON MAY HAVE A PARTY. 19 (has-baby ?person ?baby) A PERSON MAY HAVE A BABY. 19 (has-application ?person ?application) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN APPLICATION. 19 (has-opponent ?person ?opponent) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN OPPONENT. 19 (has-goals ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE GOALS. 19 (has-closet ?person ?closet) A PERSON MAY HAVE A CLOSET. 19 (has-experience ?person ?experience) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN EXPERIENCE. 19 (need-individuals ?person) A PERSON MAY NEED INDIVIDUAL -S. 18 (has-money ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE MONEY. 18 (has-job ?person ?job) A PERSON MAY HAVE A JOB. 18 (travel-by-car ?person) A PERSON MAY TRAVEL BY CAR. 18 (has-wallet ?person ?wallet) A PERSON MAY HAVE A WALLET. 17 (has-plan ?person ?plan) A PERSON MAY HAVE A PLAN. 17 (has-furniture ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE FURNITURE. 17 (has-decorations ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE DECORATIONS. 16 (has-relationship ?person ?relationship) A PERSON MAY HAVE A RELATIONSHIP. 16 (has-event ?person ?event) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN EVENT. 16 (has-income ?person ?income) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN INCOME. 16 (has-manual ?car ?manual) A CAR MAY HAVE A MANUAL. 15 (has-homework ?individuals ?homework) INDIVIDUAL -S MAY HAVE A HOMEWORK. 15 (think-about-escape ?person) A PERSON MAY THINK ABOUT ESCAPE. 15 (has-state ?person ?state) A PERSON MAY HAVE A STATE. 15 (go-for-therapy ?people) PEOPLE MAY GO FOR THERAPY. 15 (has-anger ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE ANGER. 15 (has-weapon ?person ?weapon) A PERSON MAY HAVE A WEAPON. 15 (has-executor ?person ?executor) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN EXECUTOR. 15 (remain-sane ?person) A PERSON MAY REMAIN SANE. 14 (has-country ?person ?country) A PERSON MAY HAVE A COUNTRY. 14 (has-name ?person ?name) A PERSON MAY HAVE A NAME. 14 (has-group ?person ?group) A PERSON MAY HAVE A GROUP. 13 (has-teeth ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE TEETH. 13 (has-organization ?person ?organization) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN ORGANIZATION. 13 (has-fuel-system ?person ?fuel-system) A PERSON MAY HAVE A FUEL SYSTEM. 13 (has-case ?person ?case) A PERSON MAY HAVE A CASE. 13 (work ?person) A PERSON MAY WORK. 13 (has-coworker ?person ?coworker) A PERSON MAY HAVE A COWORKER. 13 (has-health ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE HEALTH. 12 (get-into-some_number_of-kind-of-trouble ?person) A PERSON MAY GET INTO SOME_NUMBER_OF KIND OF TROUBLE. 12 (has-website ?person ?website) A PERSON MAY HAVE A WEBSITE. 12 (has-bedroom ?person ?bedroom) A PERSON MAY HAVE A BEDROOM. 12 (has-training ?person ?training) A PERSON MAY HAVE A TRAINING. 12 (has-camera ?person ?camera) A PERSON MAY HAVE A CAMERA. 12 (was-rejected ?student) STUDENTS MAY BE REJECT -ED. 12 (has-neighborhood ?person ?neighborhood) A PERSON MAY HAVE A NEIGHBORHOOD. 12 (has-workplace ?person ?workplace) A PERSON MAY HAVE A WORKPLACE. 12 (has-expenses ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE EXPENSES. 11 (has-homework ?person ?homework) A PERSON MAY HAVE A HOMEWORK. 11 (has-issue ?person ?issue) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN ISSUE. 11 (has-speech ?person ?speech) A PERSON MAY HAVE A SPEECH. 11 (live ?person) A PERSON MAY LIVE. 11 (has-supplies ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE SUPPLIES. 11 (has-kit ?person ?kit) A PERSON MAY HAVE A KIT. 11 (prevent-an-accumulation-of-some_number_of-types-of-belly-fat ?diet) A DIET MAY PREVENT AN ACCUMULATION OF SOME_NUMBER_OF TYPES OF BELLY FAT. 10 (has-backpack ?person ?backpack) A PERSON MAY HAVE A BACKPACK. 10 (has-books ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE BOOKS. 10 (has-energy ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE ENERGY. 10 (has-bank ?person ?bank) A PERSON MAY HAVE A BANK. 10 (has-library ?person ?library) A PERSON MAY HAVE A LIBRARY. 10 (has-wish ?person ?wish) A PERSON MAY WISH. 10 (has-folder ?person ?folder) A PERSON MAY HAVE A FOLDER. 10 (has-luggage ?person ?luggage) A PERSON MAY HAVE A LUGGAGE. 10 (has-project ?person ?project) A PERSON MAY HAVE A PROJECT. 10 (has-yard ?person ?yard) A PERSON MAY HAVE A YARD. 10 (has-classes ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE CLASSES. 10 (has-resume ?person ?resume) A PERSON MAY HAVE A RESUME. 9 (has-love ?person ?love) A PERSON MAY HAVE A LOVE. 9 (has-situation ?person ?situation) A PERSON MAY HAVE A SITUATION. 9 (has-date ?person ?date) A PERSON MAY HAVE A DATE. 9 (has-destination ?person ?destination) A PERSON MAY HAVE A DESTINATION. 9 (has-horse ?person ?horse) A PERSON MAY HAVE A HORSE. 9 (has-site ?person ?site) A PERSON MAY HAVE A SITE. 9 (has-cows ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE COWS. 9 (has-pantry ?person ?pantry) A PERSON MAY HAVE A PANTRY. 9 (has-tent ?person ?tent) A PERSON MAY HAVE A TENT. 9 (has-opinion ?person ?opinion) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN OPINION. 9 (has-position ?person ?position) A PERSON MAY HAVE A POSITION. 9 (has-herd ?person ?herd) A PERSON MAY HAVE A HERD. 9 (has-idea ?person ?idea) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN IDEA. 9 (has-clients ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE CLIENTS. 9 (has-ticket ?person ?ticket) A PERSON MAY HAVE A TICKET. 9 (has-children ?individuals) INDIVIDUAL -S MAY HAVE CHILDREN. 9 (has-information ?person ?information) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN INFORMATION. 9 (has-eggs ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE EGGS. 8 (has-diet ?person ?diet) A PERSON MAY HAVE A DIET. 8 (spend-money ?person) A PERSON MAY SPEND MONEY. 8 (has-system ?person ?system) A PERSON MAY HAVE A SYSTEM. 8 (has-track-record-of-experience ?person ?track-record-of-experience) A PERSON MAY HAVE A TRACK RECORD OF EXPERIENCE. 8 (has-office ?person ?office) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN OFFICE. 8 (has-family-members ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE FAMILY MEMBERS. 8 (has-water ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE WATER. 8 (has-plans ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE PLANS. 8 (has-lifestyle ?person ?lifestyle) A PERSON MAY HAVE A LIFESTYLE. 8 (has-notes ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE NOTES. 8 (has-bike ?person ?bike) A PERSON MAY HAVE A BIKE. 8 (has-references ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE REFERENCES. 8 (has-suitcase ?person ?suitcase) A PERSON MAY HAVE A SUITCASE. 7 (has-purse ?person ?purse) A PERSON MAY HAVE A PURSE. 7 (has-audience ?person ?audience) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN AUDIENCE. 7 (run-a-pool-tournament ?person) A PERSON MAY RUN A POOL TOURNAMENT. 7 (has-role ?person ?role) A PERSON MAY HAVE A ROLE. 7 (vary-by-country ?requirement) REQUIREMENTS MAY VARY BY COUNTRY. 7 (has-captor ?person ?captor) A PERSON MAY HAVE A CAPTOR. 7 (has-spending ?person ?spending) A PERSON MAY HAVE A SPENDING. 7 (has-wardrobe ?person ?wardrobe) A PERSON MAY HAVE A WARDROBE. 7 (has-chance ?person ?chance) A PERSON MAY HAVE A CHANCE. 7 (has-walls ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE WALLS. 7 (has-property ?person ?property) A PERSON MAY HAVE A PROPERTY. 7 (has-marriage ?person ?marriage) A PERSON MAY HAVE A MARRIAGE. 7 (has-files ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE FILES. 7 (has-muscles ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE MUSCLES. 7 (has-kid ?person ?kid) A PERSON MAY HAVE A KID. 7 (has-storage-space ?person ?storage-space) A PERSON MAY HAVE A STORAGE SPACE. 7 (has-music ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE MUSIC. 7 (has-calendar ?person ?calendar) A PERSON MAY HAVE A CALENDAR. 7 (has-vehicle ?person ?vehicle) A PERSON MAY HAVE A VEHICLE. 7 (has-shoes ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE SHOES. 7 (was-located-within-walking ?workplace) A WORKPLACE MAY BE LOCATE -ED WITHIN WALKING. 7 (has-company ?person ?company) A PERSON MAY HAVE A COMPANY. 7 (travel ?person) A PERSON MAY TRAVEL. 7 (has-problem ?person ?problem) A PERSON MAY HAVE A PROBLEM. 7 (has-ceremony ?person ?ceremony) A PERSON MAY HAVE A CEREMONY. 6 (has-material ?person ?material) A PERSON MAY HAVE A MATERIAL. 6 (has-sale ?person ?sale) A PERSON MAY HAVE A SALE. 6 (has-room ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE ROOM. 6 (has-routine ?person ?routine) A PERSON MAY HAVE A ROUTINE. 6 (has-message ?person ?message) A PERSON MAY HAVE A MESSAGE. 6 (has-community ?person ?community) A PERSON MAY HAVE A COMMUNITY. 6 (has-portfolio ?person ?portfolio) A PERSON MAY HAVE A PORTFOLIO. 6 (has-city ?person ?city) A PERSON MAY HAVE A CITY. 6 (retreat-into-a-house ?person) A PERSON MAY RETREAT INTO A HOUSE. 6 (interfere-with-work ?thing-referred-to) A THING-REFERRED-TO MAY INTERFERE WITH WORK. 6 (has-habits ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE HABITS. 6 (has-cat ?person ?cat) A PERSON MAY HAVE A CAT. 6 (has-vet ?person ?vet) A PERSON MAY HAVE A VET. 6 (has-laundry ?person ?laundry) A PERSON MAY HAVE A LAUNDRY. 6 (has-right ?person ?right) A PERSON MAY HAVE A RIGHT. 6 (has-job-search ?person ?job-search) A PERSON MAY HAVE A JOB SEARCH. 6 (choose-a-family-plan ?person) A PERSON MAY CHOOSE A FAMILY PLAN. 6 (has-customers ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE CUSTOMERS. 6 (has-search ?person ?search) A PERSON MAY HAVE A SEARCH. 6 (has-sense ?person ?sense) A PERSON MAY HAVE A SENSE. 6 (was-learned ?lesson) LESSONS MAY BE LEARN -ED. 6 (has-willingness ?person ?willingness) A PERSON MAY HAVE A WILLINGNESS. 6 (has-hotel ?person ?hotel) A PERSON MAY HAVE A HOTEL. 6 (has-lie ?person ?lie) A PERSON MAY HAVE A LIE. 6 (has-plants ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE PLANTS. 6 (feel-comfortable ?person) A PERSON MAY FEEL COMFORTABLE. 6 (has-place ?thing-referred-to ?place) A THING-REFERRED-TO MAY HAVE A PLACE. 6 (has-imperfections ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE IMPERFECTIONS. 6 (has-phone ?person ?phone) A PERSON MAY HAVE A PHONE. 6 (has-siblings ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE SIBLINGS. 6 (has-success ?person ?success) A PERSON MAY HAVE A SUCCESS. 6 (has-collection ?person ?collection) A PERSON MAY HAVE A COLLECTION. 6 (has-club ?person ?club) A PERSON MAY HAVE A CLUB. 6 (has-chest ?person ?chest) A PERSON MAY HAVE A CHEST. 6 (has-interest ?person ?interest) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN INTEREST. 6 (has-lawn ?person ?lawn) A PERSON MAY HAVE A LAWN. 6 (has-advantage ?person ?advantage) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN ADVANTAGE. 6 (has-rabbi ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE RABBI. 6 (has-weight ?person ?weight) A PERSON MAY HAVE A WEIGHT. 6 (has-class ?person ?class) A PERSON MAY HAVE A CLASS. 5 (has-enemy ?person ?enemy) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN ENEMY. 5 (has-memory ?person ?memory) A PERSON MAY HAVE A MEMORY. 5 (has-neighbors ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE NEIGHBORS. 5 (has-paper ?person ?paper) A PERSON MAY HAVE A PAPER. 5 (has-worms ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE WORMS. 5 (need-a-lot-of-music ?person) A PERSON MAY NEED A LOT OF MUSIC. 5 (undergo-acknowledgments ?imperfection) IMPERFECTIONS MAY UNDERGO ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. 5 (has-mortgage ?person ?mortgage) A PERSON MAY HAVE A MORTGAGE. 5 (has-mistake ?person ?mistake) A PERSON MAY HAVE A MISTAKE. 5 (has-teammates ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE TEAMMATES. 5 (wake_up ?person) A PERSON MAY WAKE_UP. 5 (has-obligation ?person ?obligation) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN OBLIGATION. 5 (has-photos ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE PHOTOS. 5 (has-teachers ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE TEACHERS. 5 (has-professor ?person ?professor) A PERSON MAY HAVE A PROFESSOR. 5 (has-route ?person ?route) A PERSON MAY HAVE A ROUTE. 5 (has-desire ?person ?desire) A PERSON MAY HAVE A DESIRE. 5 (has-behavior ?person ?behavior) A PERSON MAY HAVE A BEHAVIOR. 5 (has-workspace ?person ?workspace) A PERSON MAY HAVE A WORKSPACE. 5 (was-recommended ?thing-referred-to) A THING-REFERRED-TO MAY BE RECOMMEND -ED. 5 (has-finances ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE FINANCES. 5 (has-cell-phone ?person ?cell-phone) A PERSON MAY HAVE A CELL PHONE. 5 (has-studies ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE STUDIES. 5 (has-trouble ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE TROUBLE. 5 (has-board ?person ?board) A PERSON MAY HAVE A BOARD. 5 (has-vacation ?person ?vacation) A PERSON MAY HAVE A VACATION. 5 (has-defense ?person ?defense) A PERSON MAY HAVE A DEFENSE. 5 (has-interview ?person ?interview) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN INTERVIEW. 5 (has-toys ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE TOYS. 5 (has-college ?person ?college) A PERSON MAY HAVE A COLLEGE. 5 (has-ability ?person ?ability) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN ABILITY. 5 (has-field ?person ?field) A PERSON MAY HAVE A FIELD. 5 (has-containers ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE CONTAINERS. 5 (has-activities ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE ACTIVITIES. 5 (has-picture ?person ?picture) A PERSON MAY HAVE A PICTURE. 5 (has-policy ?person ?policy) A PERSON MAY HAVE A POLICY. 5 (has-kitchen ?person ?kitchen) A PERSON MAY HAVE A KITCHEN. 5 (has-son ?person ?son) A PERSON MAY HAVE A SON. 5 (has-address ?person ?address) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN ADDRESS. 5 (has-mom ?person ?mom) A PERSON MAY HAVE A MOM. 5 (participate-in-activism ?person) A PERSON MAY PARTICIPATE IN ACTIVISM. 5 (has-client ?person ?client) A PERSON MAY HAVE A CLIENT. 5 (has-wrench ?person ?wrench) A PERSON MAY HAVE A WRENCH. 5 (has-receipts ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE RECEIPTS. 5 (feel-ashamed ?person) A PERSON MAY FEEL ASHAMED. 5 (has-opinions ?boss) A BOSS MAY HAVE OPINIONS. 5 (has-captors ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE CAPTORS. 5 (has-patio ?person ?patio) A PERSON MAY HAVE A PATIO. 5 (has-chores ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE CHORES. 4 (has-supervisor ?person ?supervisor) A PERSON MAY HAVE A SUPERVISOR. 4 (has-home-office ?person ?home-office) A PERSON MAY HAVE A HOME OFFICE. 4 (has-boat ?person ?boat) A PERSON MAY HAVE A BOAT. 4 (has-email ?person ?email) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN EMAIL. 4 (has-industry ?person ?industry) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN INDUSTRY. 4 (has-profile ?person ?profile) A PERSON MAY HAVE A PROFILE. 4 (has-workers ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE WORKERS. 4 (has-chores ?individuals) INDIVIDUAL -S MAY HAVE CHORES. 4 (has-supporters ?person) A MALE MAY HAVE SUPPORTERS. 4 (has-age ?person ?age) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN AGE. 4 (has-passion ?person ?passion) A PERSON MAY HAVE A PASSION. 4 (use-a-bed ?person) A PERSON MAY USE A BED. 4 (has-license ?person ?license) A PERSON MAY HAVE A LICENSE. 4 (has-help ?person ?help) A PERSON MAY HAVE A HELP. 4 (has-mood ?person ?mood) A PERSON MAY HAVE A MOOD. 4 (has-companions ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE COMPANIONS. 4 (has-path ?person ?path) A PERSON MAY HAVE A PATH. 4 (visit-during-summer-months ?people) PEOPLE MAY VISIT DURING SUMMER MONTHS. 4 (has-checkbook ?person ?checkbook) A PERSON MAY HAVE A CHECKBOOK. 4 (has-order ?person ?order) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN ORDER. 4 (has-dishes ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE DISHES. 4 (has-objectives ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE OBJECTIVES. 4 (has-purpose ?person ?purpose) A PERSON MAY HAVE A PURPOSE. 4 (has-backyard ?person ?backyard) A PERSON MAY HAVE A BACKYARD. 4 (has-death ?person ?death) A PERSON MAY HAVE A DEATH. 4 (sleep ?person) A PERSON MAY SLEEP. 4 (has-parent ?person ?parent) A PERSON MAY HAVE A PARENT. 4 (has-rack-mountable-units ?person) AN ALL[PERSON??] MAY HAVE RACK-MOUNTABLE UNITS. 4 (has-agent ?person ?agent) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN AGENT. 4 (has-dream-job ?person ?dream-job) A PERSON MAY HAVE A DREAM JOB. 4 (has-cause ?person ?cause) A PERSON MAY HAVE A CAUSE. 4 (has-outfit ?person ?outfit) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN OUTFIT. 4 (break ?thing-referred-to) A THING-REFERRED-TO MAY BREAK. 4 (has-travel-agent ?person ?travel-agent) A PERSON MAY HAVE A TRAVEL AGENT. 4 (has-insurance-plan ?person ?insurance-plan) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN INSURANCE PLAN. 4 (has-program ?person ?program) A PERSON MAY HAVE A PROGRAM. 4 (has-address-book ?person ?address-book) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN ADDRESS BOOK. 4 (has-band ?person ?band) A PERSON MAY HAVE A BAND. 4 (has-fiancee ?person ?fiancee) A PERSON MAY HAVE A FIANCEE. 4 (has-representative ?person ?representative) A PERSON MAY HAVE A REPRESENTATIVE. 4 (has-employees ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE EMPLOYEES. 4 (has-fear ?person ?fear) A PERSON MAY HAVE A FEAR. 4 (has-dryer ?person ?dryer) A PERSON MAY HAVE A DRYER. 4 (has-retirement-investments ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE RETIREMENT INVESTMENTS. 4 (has-education ?person ?education) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN EDUCATION. 3 (has-mouse ?person ?mouse) A PERSON MAY HAVE A MOUSE. 3 (has-union ?person ?union) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN UNION. 3 (has-papers ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE PAPERS. 3 (has-temperature ?person ?temperature) A PERSON MAY HAVE A TEMPERATURE. 3 (has-seeds ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE SEEDS. 3 (has-documents ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE DOCUMENTS. 3 (has-means ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE MEANS. 3 (has-inventory ?person ?inventory) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN INVENTORY. 3 (has-contacts ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE CONTACTS. 3 (has-stock ?person ?stock) A PERSON MAY HAVE A STOCK. 3 (has-hobby ?person ?hobby) A PERSON MAY HAVE A HOBBY. 3 (has-keys ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE KEYS. 3 (has-office ?individuals ?office) INDIVIDUAL -S MAY HAVE AN OFFICE. 3 (has-gun ?person ?gun) A PERSON MAY HAVE A GUN. 3 (has-team ?person ?team) A PERSON MAY HAVE A TEAM. 3 (has-support ?person ?support) A PERSON MAY HAVE A SUPPORT. 3 (has-physician ?person ?physician) A PERSON MAY HAVE A PHYSICIAN. 3 (has-activism ?person ?activism) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN ACTIVISM. 3 (has-ex ?person ?ex) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN EX. 3 (has-town ?person ?town) A PERSON MAY HAVE A TOWN. 3 (has-crabs ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE CRABS. 3 (has-veterinarian ?person ?veterinarian) A PERSON MAY HAVE A VETERINARIAN. 3 (has-condition ?person ?condition) A PERSON MAY HAVE A CONDITION. 3 (has-course ?person ?course) A PERSON MAY HAVE A COURSE. 3 (has-laptop ?person ?laptop) A PERSON MAY HAVE A LAPTOP. 3 (has-puppy ?person ?puppy) A PERSON MAY HAVE A PUPPY. 3 (has-responsibility ?person ?responsibility) A PERSON MAY HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY. 3 (has-toilet ?person ?toilet) A PERSON MAY HAVE A TOILET. 3 (has-newspaper ?person ?newspaper) A PERSON MAY HAVE A NEWSPAPER. 3 (has-degree ?person ?degree) A PERSON MAY HAVE A DEGREE. 3 (go-to-school ?person) A PERSON MAY GO TO SCHOOL. 3 (has-pastures ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE PASTURES. 3 (has-field ?individuals ?field) INDIVIDUAL -S MAY HAVE A FIELD. 3 (has-problems ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE PROBLEMS. 3 (has-workout ?person ?workout) A PERSON MAY HAVE A WORKOUT. 3 (has-stove ?person ?stove) A PERSON MAY HAVE A STOVE. 3 (has-dresser ?person ?dresser) A PERSON MAY HAVE A DRESSER. 3 (retire ?person) A PERSON MAY RETIRE. 3 (has-instructor ?person ?instructor) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN INSTRUCTOR. 3 (has-glasses ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE GLASSES. 3 (has-watch ?person ?watch) A PERSON MAY HAVE A WATCH. 3 (has-safety ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE SAFETY. 3 (has-ideals ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE IDEALS. 3 (has-friends ?individuals) INDIVIDUAL -S MAY HAVE FRIENDS. 3 (has-parish ?person ?parish) A PERSON MAY HAVE A PARISH. 3 (has-hearing ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE A HEARING. 3 (has-menu ?person ?menu) A PERSON MAY HAVE A MENU. 3 (has-store ?person ?store) A PERSON MAY HAVE A STORE. 3 (has-ledger ?person ?ledger) A PERSON MAY HAVE A LEDGER. 3 (has-timetable ?person ?timetable) A PERSON MAY HAVE A TIMETABLE. 3 (has-objective ?person ?objective) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN OBJECTIVE. 3 (has-compost ?person ?compost) A PERSON MAY HAVE A COMPOST. 3 (find-a-friend ?person) A PERSON MAY FIND A FRIEND. 3 (has-language ?person ?language) A PERSON MAY HAVE A LANGUAGE. 3 (has-game ?person ?game) A PERSON MAY HAVE A GAME. 3 (has-belongings ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE BELONGINGS. 3 (has-job ?individual--s ?job) INDIVIDUAL -S MAY HAVE A JOB. 3 (has-fear ?individual ?fear) AN INDIVIDUAL MAY HAVE A FEAR. 3 (has-marathon-event ?person ?marathon-event) A PERSON MAY HAVE A MARATHON EVENT. 3 (has-clothes ?individual--s) INDIVIDUAL -S MAY HAVE CLOTHES. 3 (has-religion ?person ?religion) A PERSON MAY HAVE A RELIGION. 3 (has-mail ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE MAIL. 3 (has-marriage-license ?person ?marriage-license) A PERSON MAY HAVE A MARRIAGE LICENSE. 3 (has-talents ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE TALENTS. 3 (has-debt-ratio ?person ?debt-ratio) A PERSON MAY HAVE A DEBT RATIO. 3 (has-routine ?individual ?routine) INDIVIDUAL -S MAY HAVE A ROUTINE. 3 (was-employed ?person) A PERSON MAY BE EMPLOY -ED. 3 (was-completed ?task) TASKS MAY BE COMPLETE -ED. 3 (has-credentials ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE CREDENTIALS. 3 (wish-a-proposition ?person ?proposition) A PERSON MAY WISH A PROPOSITION. 3 (has-clique ?person ?clique) A PERSON MAY HAVE A CLIQUE. 3 (has-name ?individual--s ?name) INDIVIDUAL -S MAY HAVE A NAME. 3 (has-teeth ?individual--s) INDIVIDUAL -S MAY HAVE TEETH. 3 (has-newsletter ?person ?newsletter) A PERSON MAY HAVE A NEWSLETTER. 3 (has-relatives ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE RELATIVES. 3 (has-career ?person ?career) A PERSON MAY HAVE A CAREER. 3 (has-mailbox ?person ?mailbox) A PERSON MAY HAVE A MAILBOX. 3 (has-retirement-savings ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE RETIREMENT SAVINGS. 3 (stand-a-partner ?person) A PERSON MAY STAND A PARTNER. 3 (has-jurisdiction ?person ?jurisdiction) A PERSON MAY HAVE A JURISDICTION. 3 (make-decisions ?person) A PERSON MAY MAKE DECISIONS. 3 (has-roommates ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE ROOMMATES. 3 (has-errands ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE ERRANDS. 3 (has-good-hygiene ?person) A HYGIENE CAN BE GOOD. 3 (has-emails ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE EMAILS. 3 (has-attorney ?person ?attorney) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN ATTORNEY. 3 (has-boyfriend ?person ?boyfriend) A PERSON MAY HAVE A BOYFRIEND. 3 (has-birthday ?person ?birthday) A PERSON MAY HAVE A BIRTHDAY. 3 (is-young ?person) A PERSON CAN BE YOUNG. 3 (has-weight ?individuals ?weight) INDIVIDUAL -S MAY HAVE A WEIGHT. 3 (helps-a-person ?individuals) INDIVIDUAL -S MAY HELP A PERSON. 3 (has-fridge ?person ?fridge) A PERSON MAY HAVE A FRIDGE. 3 (lives-in-a-cold-weather-climate ?person) 3 (has-driveway ?person ?driveway) A PERSON MAY HAVE A DRIVEWAY. 3 (has-drivers-license ?person ?license) A DRIVER MAY HAVE A LICENSE. 3 (has-toys ?person) A LEGO[PERSON??] MAY HAVE TOYS. 3 (has-moving-violations ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE TICKETS. 3 (has-parking-tickets ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE TICKETS. 3 (can-cook ?person) A PERSON MAY COOK. 3 (needs-dental-procedures ?person) PROCEDURES CAN BE DENTAL. 2 (has-diary ?person ?diary) A PERSON MAY HAVE A DIARY. 2 (has-extra-storage-space ?person) A SPACE CAN BE EXTRA. 2 (has-iron ?person ?iron) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN IRON. 2 (has-general-anxiety ?person) A PERSON MAY PANIC. 2 (has-monthly-premium ?person ?premium) A PREMIUM CAN BE MONTHLY. 2 (has-girls ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE GIRLS. 2 (was-rejected ?person) A PERSON MAY BE REJECT -ED. 2 (has-boyfriend-or-girlfriend ?person ?boyfriend-or-girlfriend) A PERSON MAY HAVE A BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND. 2 (has-book ?person ?book) A PERSON MAY HAVE A BOOK. 2 (has-condition ?individual ?condition) INDIVIDUAL -S MAY HAVE A CONDITION. 2 (has-profits ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE PROFITS. 2 (has-government ?person ?government) A PERSON MAY HAVE A GOVERNMENT. 2 (is-mobile ?home) A HOME CAN BE MOBILE. 2 (has-website ?individual ?website) INDIVIDUAL -S MAY HAVE A WEBSITE. 2 (has-medical-records ?person) RECORDS CAN BE MEDICAL. 2 (is-newer ?vehicle) VEHICLES CAN BE NEWER. 2 (has-vehicle ?person ?vehicle) VEHICLES CAN BE NEWER. 2 (has-step-siblings ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE STEP-SIBLINGS. 2 (can-speak ?person) A PERSON MAY SPEAK. 2 (has-spouse ?individual ?spouse) INDIVIDUAL -S MAY HAVE A SPOUSE. 2 (was-broken ?thing-referred-to) A THING-REFERRED-TO MAY BE BREAK -ED. 2 (has-seen-the-world ?individual) INDIVIDUAL -S MAY SEE THE WORLD. 2 (is-comfortable ?temperature) A TEMPERATURE CAN BE COMFORTABLE. 2 (was-broken ?agreement) AN AGREEMENT CAN BE BROKEN. 2 (has-purpose ?life ?purpose) A LIFE MAY HAVE A PURPOSE. 2 (is-good ?person) PEOPLE CAN BE GOOD. 2 (has-affordable-health-care ?person) A HEALTH CARE CAN BE AFFORDABLE. 2 (can-hear ?person) A PERSON MAY HEAR. 2 (has-diocese ?person ?diocese) A PERSON MAY HAVE A DIOCESE. 2 (has-instrument ?person ?instrument) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN INSTRUMENT. 2 (has-extenuating-circumstances ?person) CIRCUMSTANCES CAN BE EXTENUATING. 2 (has-gas-mileage ?person ?gas-mileage) A PERSON MAY HAVE A GAS MILEAGE. 2 (is-certain-about ?person ?proposition) A PERSON CAN BE CERTAIN. 2 (has-control ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE CONTROL. 2 (keeps-things ?person) A PERSON MAY KEEP THINGS. 2 (has-a-raw-food-diet ?person) INGREDIENTS CAN BE RAW. 2 (has-alarm-clock ?person ?alarm) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN ALARM. 2 (practices-a-thing ?person ?thing) A PERSON MAY PRACTICE A THING. 2 (has-checking-account ?person) AN ACCOUNT CAN BE CHECKING. 2 (audits-sources-of-information ?person) SOURCES CAN BE EXCELLENT. 2 (has-individuality ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN INDIVIDUALITY. 2 (moving-into-a-home ?person) A PERSON MAY MOVE INTO A HOME. 2 (has-medical-condition ?person) CONDITIONS CAN BE MEDICAL. 2 (feel-uncomfortable ?person) A PERSON MAY FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE. 2 (has-office ?doctor ?office) A DOCTOR MAY HAVE AN OFFICE. 2 (get-in-touch ?person1 ?person2) A PERSON MAY GET IN TOUCH. 2 (wants-to-get-in-touch-with ?person1 ?person2) A PERSON MAY GET IN TOUCH. 2 (thinks ?person ?proposition) A PERSON MAY THINK A PROPOSITION. 2 (has-resume ?individual ?resume) INDIVIDUAL -S MAY HAVE A RESUME. 2 (has-preexisting-condition ?person ?condition) CONDITIONS CAN BE PRE-EXISTING. 2 (has-will ?deity ?will) A DEITY MAY HAVE A WILL. 2 (has-workload ?person ?load) A PERSON MAY HAVE A LOAD. 2 (is-available ?person) A PERSON CAN BE AVAILABLE. 2 (has-length ?trip ?length) A TRIP MAY HAVE A LENGTH. 2 (has-good-posture ?person) A POSTURE CAN BE GOOD. 2 (has-wedding-ceremony ?person ?wedding-ceremony) A PERSON MAY HAVE A WEDDING CEREMONY. 2 (has-committee ?person ?committee) A PERSON MAY HAVE A COMMITTEE. 2 (has-municipality ?person ?municipality) A PERSON MAY HAVE A MUNICIPALITY. 2 (has-relative ?person ?relative) A PERSON MAY HAVE A RELATIVE. 2 (has-treatment ?person ?treatment) A PERSON MAY HAVE A TREATMENT. 2 (has-nothing ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE NOTHING. 2 (is-great ?job) A JOB CAN BE GREAT. 2 (has-responsibility ?person ?thing) A THING-REFERRED-TO CAN BE A RESPONSIBILITY. 2 (shares-living-costs ?person1 ?person2) COSTS CAN BE SHARED. 2 (has-tiredness ?person) TIREDNESS MAY CAUSE BY A DECREASE OF HORMONES. 2 (has-hormonal-problems ?person) TIREDNESS MAY CAUSE BY A DECREASE OF HORMONES. 2 (has-gpa ?person ?gpa) A PERSON MAY HAVE A GPA. 2 (has-strength ?person ?strength) A PERSON MAY HAVE A STRENGTH. 2 (has-hobby ?person ?hobby) A PERSON MAY HAVE HOBBIES. 2 (has-religious-beliefs ?person) BELIEFS CAN BE RELIGIOUS. 2 (has-had-surgery ?person ?surgery) A PERSON MAY HAVE A SURGERY. 2 (has-dry-skin ?person) SKIN CAN BE DRY. 2 (can-associate ?person) A PERSON MAY ASSOCIATE. 2 (feels-fine ?person) A PERSON CAN BE FINE. 2 (is-off ?person) INDIVIDUAL -S CAN BE OFF. 2 (has-behavior-flow ?person ?behavior-flow) A PERSON MAY HAVE A BEHAVIOR FLOW. 2 (has-email-address ?person ?email-address) AN EMAIL[PERSON??] MAY HAVE AN ADDRESS. 2 (has-physical-therapy ?person ?physical-therapy) A THERAPY CAN BE PHYSICAL. 2 (is-short ?person) A THING-REFERRED-TO CAN BE SHORT. 2 (has-savings ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE SAVINGS. 2 (has-ego ?person ?ego) A PERSON MAY HAVE AN EGO. 2 (has-resource ?person ?resource) A PERSON MAY HAVE A RESOURCE. 2 (has-belly ?person ?belly) A PERSON MAY HAVE A BELLY. 2 (is-older ?person) A PERSON CAN BE OLDER. 2 (has-bank-account ?person ?bank-account) A PERSON MAY HAVE A BANK ACCOUNT. 2 (look-for-jobs ?person) PEOPLE MAY LOOK FOR JOBS. 2 (has-suffering ?person ?suffering) A PERSON MAY HAVE A SUFFERING. 2 (has-grocery-store ?person ?store) A PERSON MAY HAVE GROCERY STORES. 2 (has-consumption ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE CONSUMPTION. 2 (has-arrangements ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE ARRANGEMENTS. 2 (has-older-siblings ?person) SIBLINGS CAN BE OLDER. 2 (has-hard-work ?person) WORK CAN BE HARD. 2 (lives-in-hilly-terrain ?person) A TERRAIN CAN BE HILLY. 2 (has-carpool ?person ?carpool) A SCHEDULE CAN BE CARPOOLING. 2 (has-rooms ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE ROOMS. 2 (is-sick ?person) A PERSON CAN BE SICK. 2 (has-personality ?person ?personality) A PERSON MAY HAVE A PERSONALITY. 2 (has-grandparents ?individual) INDIVIDUAL -S MAY HAVE GRANDPARENTS. 2 (spend-on-food ?person ?amount) A PERSON MAY SPEND ON FOOD. 2 (can-stand ?person) A PERSON MAY STAND. 2 (is-sane ?person) A PERSON CAN BE SANE. 2 (has-communication ?person ?communication) A PERSON MAY HAVE A COMMUNICATION. 2 (has-credit ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE CREDIT. 2 (has-drawings ?person) A PERSON MAY HAVE DRAWINGS. 2 (has-educational-needs ?person) NEEDS CAN BE EDUCATIONAL. 2 (gets-adequate-sleep ?person) SLEEP CAN BE ADEQUATE.