
Brief: Formalog is a backend for FRDCSA/Perl/Prolog integration, w/ persistence
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Code: GitHub

  • It does most of the work integrating Perl and Prolog, allowing using Language::Prolog::Yaswi calls back and forth. This is for fcms, which is an MVC obtained by combining ShinyCMS (itself based on Perl Catalyst) with formalog. Add the initialization files for the Free Life planner, or the prolog-agent, or the formalog-kbfs, and you obtain those systems. Formalog wraps unilang, currently allowing it to call freekbs2 in order to assert into the KB. However, we're working on a direct SWIPL ODBC interface which by lacking overhead should be many orders of magnitude faster. This can be found in the data-integration codebase.