
Free E Health Care

I am starting my own free unofficial e-health clinic because there is overwhelming opposition to verminous entitled paupers like myself receiving medical coverage, and because I have too many friends in the same situation, yet with no one monitoring their health situation or doing preventative maintenance, or acting in any systematic way to forestall death and disease and administer health. I will naturally implement artificial intelligence routines, not unlike those used to monitor computer system health, status and availability, and also SLAM-based propagating conditional densities for efficiently maintaining health situational awareness. Plus I will directly take arms in the battle for freedom of access to life-saving information, solutions, cures, procedures and so forth. While I realize that letting people without funds for health care slowly die off is one perhaps inventive and plausibly deniable solution to over-population, I understand that there may be other solutions.

People may scoff at such a solution but there are a number of reasons to consider it may succeed. While full HIPA-compliance is obviously not easily achieved, some kind of systematic monitoring will be welcome in leiu thereof. Also, there are many free software programs exactly for this purpose, such as GNU-Med. I also stayed at a Holiday Inn the other night, so I'm still getting mileage from that. There are numerous information sources that allow for a better than chance outcome for helping and understanding health situations, such as Wikipedia. Also, some people within the health community may wish to lend their expertise. Also doctors from countries with better infant mortatily rates such as Cuba would probably be willing to provide assistance and perhaps even direct collaboration on the software architecture. If anyone speaks Spanish and is interested in this, please let me know.

I do not pretend I am the first to do such a thing, but I have tried getting access to free health care and have not succeeded and I deem it too long that I have gone without some kind of tests to determine whether any sickness, infirmity, disease, weakness or otherwise condition may have laid hold of me.

If you would like to sign up for this free e-health clinic, please email me with "Universal Health Care" in the subject line. Please advise with concerns, considerations and constructive criticism, but please no destructive interference.