FRDCSA Hacks Andrew Dougherty __________________________________________________________________ Table of Contents 1. [1]Introduction [2]Introduction 2. [3]Random Hacks [4]Packaging Software [5]Automatic Classification of Software Using Folksonomy [6]QUAC (Question Answering Component) [7](Nonsensical) Self-Directed Goal Setting [8]Dream Analysis [9]CLEAR [10]Spidering Sourceforge and Packaging its Software [11]Deidentifying Personal Information [12]Recording Emacs Sessions [13]Code Monkey [14]Manually Classifying UniLang Entries [15]Finding Words That Fit Syntactic and Semantic Constraints [16]Comprehensive Software Ontology [17]Comprehensive Software Ontology, More [18]Book Scanner [19]Bus Route Planning [20]Meal Planning [21]Food Ontology [22]FreeKBS [23]Generate a Movie or a Book [24]The Event Log and Recording User Activities [25]APIs for Many Systems [26]Course Calendar Integrated with AI Planning [27]Defining Words in Text For Learners [28]An Exercise Manager [29]Find dependencies [30]System to Find Jobs [31]Automatic Processing of Email [32]Automatic Acronym Generation [33]Automatic Acronym Generation [34]System Recommender [35]Releasing and Packaging the FRDCSA [36]Goal Interest Ability System For Group Meetings [37]Formalization of Natural Language Into Logic Using Cyc NL [38]Auto Information Extraction [39]Subsystems Listing [40]A Functionality Classifier [41]Multiagent System with Automatic Message Routing [42]A Knowledge Based Chess Analysis/Playing Program [43]Language Translation and Semantic Markup Web Proxy [44]War On Words Web Proxy [45]Circular Dependencies [46]Emacs Matrix Mode [47]Apartment Finder 3. [48]Irish Heritage Computer Systems [49]Formalization of the Irish Annals [50]Irish TTS [51]Save Tara Myspace Mailings [52]More Comprehensive Irish/English Freedict 4. [53]Incomplete Hacks [54]Awesome NLP Library [55]Inventory Management 5. [56]Wishlist Hacks [57]Nuance PaperPort Equivalent [58]IRC Topic Detection and Tracking [59]Boycott Manager [60]A programming language based on Natural Language/Perl [61]Speech Recognition [62]Planning, Scheduling and Execution Systems [63]Terminology Management [64]Linux Alternatives/Equivalents/Replacements, Software Substitution Database [65]Intelligent Software Review 6. [66]Non-FRDCSA Hacks [67]Accessing your bank acount with GnuCash [68]Conglomerating Events Calendars with Geek Event Aggregator __________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1. Introduction Introduction First I am going to apologize because I doubt this talk will be anything like it could have been. I was very fatigued this week and lay in bed quite often. First I will show you some of the important systems of the FRDCSA, then show some interesting hacks I was able to find looking around. __________________________________________________________________ Chapter 2. Random Hacks Packaging Software ~400 rough quality Debian packages have been built semi-automatically using the packager system. There is a related system which is packaging all of CPAN for Debian. Eventually, we'd like to package Sourceforge and Freshmeat, along with many systems that are not in any metasite. __________________________________________________________________ Automatic Classification of Software Using Folksonomy Per John Quigley's suggestion, Folksonomy takes a tag system, that is a bunch of tags, and learns a relationship between project descriptions and the tags, so that you can tag arbitrary projects based on just their description. So far, it just uses the Debian debtags tag system, but it is trivial to implement for Sourceforge as well as Freshmeat tags. The dataset is the datamart from the Flossmole project, plus the output of an `apt-cache search -f .` ./ tagsearch . ./ search "works-with::image:vector" The program needs to be cleaned up and given to the Debtags people. The models take a long time to learn and use the AI::Categorizer::Learner::SVM perl module. __________________________________________________________________ QUAC (Question Answering Component) QUAC currently answers only factoid questions, i.e. questions that expect a "who, what, where, when" type answer, because the only QA backend is Aranea. When accessing google, it is really quite slow so for this presentation I've just recorded the output of a query. Aranea uses its own interface to Google instead of the standard CPAN ones. I should adapt it but can't because I don't have an old google api license key. If anyone can present me with one that would be nice! ./quac --mods Aranea -s Glimpse -q "Who died?" andrewdo@al:/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/quac$ quac -q "Who wa s the King of Ireland?" -s Glimpse --mods Aranea Initializing sources... Initializing QUAC/Source/ Starting ModManager... Starting at entry 0, attempting to grab 100 Searching sources... Searching Glimpse... Searching source: Glimpse Got 72 hits. QUACSources reports 72 results to this query Sucessfully grabbed 5. In total, 5 have been retrieved. 1 Q0 DOC 1 3 ARANEA ENGLAND [3.0, ENGLAND] __________________________________________________________________ (Nonsensical) Self-Directed Goal Setting Wouldn't it be nice if the software itself was able to develop its own goals. Well the opportunity afforded itself to write a very simple but nonsensical system for doing this. A trigram model is built over any source text of existing goals and then sentences are randomly generated and checked with the link parser grammar. Later to make the fweb service better, we can implement PIC. Is it worth searching for some of the items. Keep us up to order DSL. Think holistically of all the relevant mathematical concepts in a prog ram. Be sure to add parts of systems, for use in representing them. This entire model of programming is going to be one! Try to learn the various parts of systems, for use in tracking time. Review it at the same study component for both Evangelist and Study. Integrate reverse stimulation (the effect of being worked on. Add current buffer detection to the backup disk. Then, we can pass a few days, but now they are autoclassified. Keep up to date on perl regular expressions. Tie up your hands when you have to restart everything. Is it worth searching for some of the art stuff. Generix should have a daily summary of what we need. Come up with a simple perltk user interface for classification to be i n. Currently my strategy seems to be determined before mission critical u sage. __________________________________________________________________ Dream Analysis In Manager, Sbagen can be used to help record dreams. There is software to predict when you are going to go to sleep, and wake up, etc. __________________________________________________________________ CLEAR Clear can read books, with pause, resume, forward to sentence, etc. It can also quiz you on the readings. __________________________________________________________________ Spidering Sourceforge and Packaging its Software This system scrapes over sourceforge and downloads /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/minor/game-time __________________________________________________________________ Deidentifying Personal Information This program checks for passwords and other personal information in text files to allow you to release them. __________________________________________________________________ Recording Emacs Sessions Using ttyrec and the dribble file, record emacs sessions and post-process them. __________________________________________________________________ Code Monkey Converting a perl script into a module with all the bells and whistles /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/code-monkey/scripts/convert-script HilariousOutput.txt Segmenting Camelcase (in manager) ./normal-form/not-spark/ ?Generating mnemonics? __________________________________________________________________ Manually Classifying UniLang Entries ./Corpus/ Before the catastrophe in which I lost over 15000 todo list entries, there were a substantial number of entries. In order for the system to learn where these entries should be routed at entry time, it needs training data. So this program helped with the labelling. It has really been superseded by the corresponding Critic software. __________________________________________________________________ Finding Words That Fit Syntactic and Semantic Constraints bard -c basic --reg "^lo" $VAR1 = { 'Rhyme' => undef, 'Regex' => '^lo', 'MaxSize' => undef, 'SeedWords' => [ 'basic' ], 'Relation' => '==', 'Syllables' => '0', 'Subtone' => undef }; locate, location, lowborn (vs. noble), lowly, low, low gear, lowermost , lodging, love child, localisation, localization, locating, lower-ranking, lot, low (vs. high), low-down, low-pitched, low-spirited, low-toned, loan, lovable ( vs. hateful), loveable, C-c C-c __________________________________________________________________ Comprehensive Software Ontology CSO, -a asset __________________________________________________________________ Comprehensive Software Ontology, More A massive list of Debian package repositories (from /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/cso/scripts/sources.list __________________________________________________________________ Book Scanner The book scanner was a nifty hack that took two days of programming. It never possessed a camera that could be remote controlled using gphoto2. Tests on picture quality revealed that a scanner is preferable to a camera and so when this is rebuilt, it should use a scanner. There are a couple of people interested in this project. __________________________________________________________________ Bus Route Planning At one point in time there were not the bus route planners that there are today. This motivated the creation of one. __________________________________________________________________ Meal Planning ./pgourmet -l __________________________________________________________________ Food Ontology __________________________________________________________________ FreeKBS KBS Store is a useful module for doing relational querying without tables in SQL. in other words you can assert, unassert and query existence and models for relations in SQL of arbitrary arity. A simple context mechanism is provided, although it should probably be expanded to include genlmt type capabilities. It uses MySQL as the storage backend, as such it has capabilities for generating subselects for the user, which may wind up become a full blown query language. It is written in order to allow us to have a quick and convenient persistancy to a knowledgebase. It does not currently do inferencing, although the point is to do inferencing later, if the technology proves sufficiently strong and efficient. __________________________________________________________________ Generate a Movie or a Book __________________________________________________________________ The Event Log and Recording User Activities Event log records many things, and mainly among them are the files that you are visiting in Emacs. 23854 display::/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/evangelist/scripts / 23851 opened::/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/evangelist/scripts/ 23852 closed::/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/evangelist/scripts/ 23853 conceal::/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/evangelist/scripts / 23855 opened::/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/evangelist/scripts/ 23860 display::/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/evangelist/scripts / 23856 closed::/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/evangelist/scripts/ 23857 conceal::/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/evangelist/scripts / 23859 display::/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/evangelist/scripts /dvds/dvdauthor.xml::9465::0 23858 opened::/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/evangelist/scripts/ dvds/dvdauthor.xml::9465::0 23862 conceal::/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/evangelist/scripts /dvds/dvdauthor.xml::9465::0 23861 closed::/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/evangelist/scripts/ dvds/dvdauthor.xml::9465::0 23863 opened::/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/evangelist/scripts/ 23864 display::/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/evangelist/scripts / 23865 closed::/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/evangelist/scripts/ 23868 conceal::/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/evangelist/scripts / __________________________________________________________________ APIs for Many Systems There are many systems for which I've written wrappers. Docbook LinkGra Spark WWW GnuPlot LinkPar Wiki MinorTh ird OpenCyc __________________________________________________________________ Course Calendar Integrated with AI Planning Day: M 0000 - 1320 Seminar in IT Policy WEH 4601 0000 - 1320 COS Reading & Research WEH 4601 0900 - 1020 Comparative Methods of Software Development NSH 3002 0900 - 1020 Methods: Deciding What to Design NSH 3002 1030 - 1150 Software Development Studio II NSH 3002 1030 - 1120 Mathematical Games BH 231A 1030 - 1120 Set Theory BH 231A 1030 - 1120 Advanced Topics in Discrete Mathematics: BH 231A 1030 - 1150 Communication for Software Engineers II NSH 3002 1030 - 1220 Interface and Interaction Design HBH 2224 1030 - 1150 Advanced Artificial Intelligence Concepts WEH 5409 1030 - 1150 Advanced Topics in Programming Languages WEH 4615A 1130 - 1220 Levy Processes BH 231A 1200 - 1320 Software Engineering for Information Technology NSH 3002 1230 - 1320 Algebra I MM 103 1330 - 1450 Machine Translation WEH 4601 1330 - 1450 Semantics of Programming Languages WEH 7500 1330 - 1450 Machine Learning WEH 7500 1500 - 1650 Software Development Studio II NSH 1305 1500 - 1620 Privacy and Anonymity in Data WEH 8220 1500 - 1620 computer-mediated communication WEH 4601 1500 - 1620 COS Seminar (Computation WEH 8220 1530 - 1650 Levy Processes OSC 201 1530 - 1650 Advanced Stochastic Calculus II OSC 201 1530 - 1650 Advanced Topics in Financial Mathematics: OSC 201 1530 - 1650 Software Engineering for Information Technology DH 2105 1530 - 1650 Language Technologies for Computer Assisted Language Learn ing BH 237B 1730 - 1850 Architectures for Software Systems NSH 1305 1730 - 1850 Architectures for Software Systems NSH 1305 1730 - 1850 Software Engineering Seminar NSH 1305 Day: T 0900 - 1020 Engineering Software Intensive Systems NSH 1305 0900 - 1020 Software Process Definition NSH 1305 0930 - 1120 Interface and Interaction Design HBH 2224 1030 - 1150 Advanced Stochastic Calculus II DH 4303 1030 - 1150 Analysis of Software Artifacts NSH 1305 1030 - 1150 Calculus of Variations DH 4303 1030 - 1150 Analysis of Software Artifacts NSH 1305 1030 - 1150 Semantics of Programming Languages WEH 4615A 1030 - 1150 Advanced Topics in Programming Languages WEH 4615A 1030 - 1150 Architectures for Software Systems NSH 1305 1200 - 1320 computer-mediated communication WEH 4615A 1200 - 1320 Information Retrieval NSH 3002 1330 - 1450 MATHEMATICAL GAMES WEH 4615A 1330 - 1450 Mathematical Games WEH 4615A 1330 - 1520 physical computing - wearables DH C316 1330 - 1450 Machine Learning NSH 1305 1330 - 1450 Advanced Artificial Intelligence Concepts NSH 1305 1330 - 1450 Advanced Topics in Logic PH A19A 1330 - 1450 Mathematical Logic Seminar WEH 4615A 1330 - 1450 Lambda Calculus PH A19A 1330 - 1450 Set Theory PH A19A 1500 - 1620 Interface and Interaction Design WEH 4615A 1500 - 1620 physical computing - wearables WEH 4615A 1500 - 1620 Privacy and Anonymity in Data WEH 5419AB 1500 - 1620 Seminar in IT Policy WEH 5419AB 1500 - 1620 MATHEMATICAL GAMES WEH 4601 1800 - 1950 Security for Software Engineers NSH 3002 1800 - 1950 Seminar in Software Development Tools NSH 3002 1800 - 1950 Seminar in Software Development Tools NSH 3002 Day: W 0000 - 1320 Seminar in IT Policy WEH 4601 0000 - 1320 COS Reading & Research WEH 4601 0900 - 1020 Comparative Methods of Software Development NSH 3002 0900 - 1020 Methods: Deciding What to Design NSH 3002 1030 - 1150 Software Development Studio II NSH 3002 1030 - 1120 Mathematical Games BH 231A 1030 - 1120 Set Theory BH 231A 1030 - 1120 Advanced Topics in Discrete Mathematics: BH 231A 1030 - 1150 Communication for Software Engineers II NSH 3002 1030 - 1220 Interface and Interaction Design HBH 2224 1030 - 1150 Advanced Artificial Intelligence Concepts WEH 5409 1030 - 1150 Advanced Topics in Programming Languages WEH 4615A 1130 - 1220 Levy Processes BH 231A 1200 - 1320 Software Engineering for Information Technology NSH 3002 1230 - 1320 Algebra I MM 103 1330 - 1450 Machine Translation WEH 4601 1330 - 1450 Semantics of Programming Languages WEH 7500 1330 - 1450 Machine Learning WEH 7500 1500 - 1620 computer-mediated communication WEH 4601 1500 - 1620 COS Seminar (Computation NSH 1507 1500 - 1620 Software Engineering Seminar NSH 1507 1530 - 1650 Levy Processes OSC 201 1530 - 1650 Advanced Stochastic Calculus II OSC 201 1530 - 1650 Advanced Topics in Financial Mathematics: OSC 201 1530 - 1650 Software Engineering for Information Technology DH 2105 1530 - 1650 Language Technologies for Computer Assisted Language Learn ing BH 237B 1730 - 1850 Architectures for Software Systems NSH 1305 1730 - 1850 Architectures for Software Systems NSH 1305 1730 - 1850 Software Engineering Seminar NSH 1305 Day: R 0900 - 1020 Engineering Software Intensive Systems NSH 1305 0900 - 1020 Software Process Definition NSH 1305 0930 - 1120 Interface and Interaction Design HBH 2224 1030 - 1150 Advanced Stochastic Calculus II DH 4303 1030 - 1150 Analysis of Software Artifacts NSH 1305 1030 - 1150 Calculus of Variations DH 4303 1030 - 1150 Analysis of Software Artifacts NSH 1305 1030 - 1150 Semantics of Programming Languages WEH 4615A 1030 - 1150 Advanced Topics in Programming Languages WEH 4615A 1030 - 1150 Architectures for Software Systems NSH 1305 1200 - 1320 Mathematical Logic Seminar HBH 1004 1200 - 1320 Advanced Topics in Analysis: HBH 1004 1200 - 1320 computer-mediated communication WEH 4615A 1200 - 1320 Information Retrieval NSH 3002 1200 - 1320 Calculus of Variations HBH 1004 1330 - 1450 MATHEMATICAL GAMES WEH 4615A 1330 - 1450 Mathematical Games WEH 4615A 1330 - 1520 physical computing - wearables DH C316 1330 - 1450 Machine Learning NSH 1305 1330 - 1450 Advanced Artificial Intelligence Concepts NSH 1305 1330 - 1450 Advanced Topics in Logic PH A19A 1330 - 1450 Mathematical Logic Seminar WEH 4615A 1330 - 1450 Lambda Calculus PH A19A 1330 - 1450 Set Theory PH A19A 1500 - 1620 Interface and Interaction Design WEH 4615A 1500 - 1620 physical computing - wearables WEH 4615A 1500 - 1750 Engineering Software Intensive Systems WEH 5409 1500 - 1620 Privacy and Anonymity in Data WEH 5419AB 1500 - 1750 Risk Management for Software Intensive Projects WEH 5409 1500 - 1620 Seminar in IT Policy WEH 5419AB 1500 - 1620 MATHEMATICAL GAMES WEH 4601 1730 - 1950 Managing Software Development NSH 1305 1730 - 1950 Analysis of Software Artifacts NSH 1305 1800 - 1950 Software Process Definition WEH 4615A Day: F 0930 - 1120 Seminar in Software Development Tools NSH 3002 0930 - 1120 Seminar in Software Process NSH 3002 1000 - 1120 Modeling Dynamic Software Architectures WEH 8220 1030 - 1120 Mathematical Games BH 231A 1030 - 1120 Set Theory BH 231A 1030 - 1120 Advanced Topics in Discrete Mathematics: BH 231A 1030 - 1150 Advanced Artificial Intelligence Concepts WEH 5409 1130 - 1220 Levy Processes BH 231A 1230 - 1320 Algebra I MM 103 1530 - 1650 Software Engineering for Information Technology DH 2105 __________________________________________________________________ Defining Words in Text For Learners /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/all/scripts/define-previously-unse An example run of a system that defines previously unseens wordnet senses after WSD. The goal is to define words /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/all/data/example __________________________________________________________________ A TTS Wrapper that classifies languages and reads using appropriate TTS system and language pair. __________________________________________________________________ An Exercise Manager /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/akahige/Akahige/ __________________________________________________________________ Find dependencies __________________________________________________________________ System to Find Jobs __________________________________________________________________ Automatic Processing of Email /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/antispam-console/ASConsole/Corpora A system that supports monitoring of an IMAP account among other things. /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/antispam-console/ASConsole/Filter/ A filter that with approval executes common tasks based on incoming mail. ./asconsole --corpora IMAP --filters Setanta (then send a test email) __________________________________________________________________ Automatic Acronym Generation __________________________________________________________________ Automatic Acronym Generation I am working on a poetry generation system, called Bard, which I would eventually like to enable generation of Irish poems according to traditional bardic poetry styles. It should also handle other languages. Bard was instrumental in generating the following poem: It occurred to me just now that Gramadoir could be used to do the checking, the Irish wordnet for synset, etc. So a very good start. I still would like to find nice libre bidirectional Irish / English dictionaries for learning, such as O'Donnell's Foclair Bhearla Gaeilge, if that's available. __________________________________________________________________ System Recommender __________________________________________________________________ Releasing and Packaging the FRDCSA __________________________________________________________________ Goal Interest Ability System For Group Meetings Generates emails to people reminding them about the meeting and which projects they are working on. __________________________________________________________________ Formalization of Natural Language Into Logic Using Cyc NL Formalize, Calculate the amount of energy of driving car versus using computer. Calculate#v#1 the amount#n#3 of energy#n#1 of driving#n#2 car#n#1 vers us use#v#1 computer#n#1 Calculate#v#1 the amount#n#3 of energy#n#1 N10712950 #$EnergyQuantity of driving#n#2 car#n#1 N02853224 #$Automobile versus use#v#1 V01123102 #$UsingAnObject computer#n#1 N02971359 #$Computer Much work remains on this project but it is actually easy work. You need to put in an entity recognizer which recognizes noun phrases to their objects, etc. Then you need a semantic search which uses supposition to understand the text, as detailed in thinker/notes. __________________________________________________________________ Auto Information Extraction Two algorithms have been implemented, one for website info extraction and another for arbitrary extraction. AIE, MDR __________________________________________________________________ Subsystems Listing /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/architect/data/systems/old-data/sy stems A list of systems extracted from writings. (not all writings used.) abandoned work on a particular system ability for other systems acronym quizzing system actual entities in the terminology management system actual system adequate system advanced system again the system agenda system agenda with this system agent management system ai system al with syncronized hds system analogical reasoning on existing systems annotate instances of the metamax emacs system appropriate system archaic system argument composition system assignments system audience dialog system audience stuff system autocorrection in documents of system automated packaging system automated surveillance system automatic extraction of the relative merits of software systems backing up the system backup my system backup of this system basic document management systems basic nutrition analysis system basic sanctus system basic system basis for some future system belief system better backup system better system big application for a mate evaluator system bot system building systems for event system capabilities management system capabilities management systems capabilities of the various systems capabilities of various communication systems __________________________________________________________________ A Functionality Classifier /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/architect/scripts/classify-capabil The functionality classifer. __________________________________________________________________ Multiagent System with Automatic Message Routing __________________________________________________________________ A Knowledge Based Chess Analysis/Playing Program Unfortunately traditional chess algorithms like Negamax fail to take advantage of proof theoretic results that show provably superior play can be had with theorem proving over more sophisticated logics. I wrote a prolog program to encode positional chess knowledge into the search, a small step in the right direction of a knowledge based Chess (and Go) playing program. /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/ender/data/chess/ __________________________________________________________________ Language Translation and Semantic Markup Web Proxy __________________________________________________________________ War On Words Web Proxy This system takes normal newstext or any text for that matter and rewrites it to accomodate differing viewpoints. __________________________________________________________________ Circular Dependencies /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/boss/circular-dependencies.xml __________________________________________________________________ Emacs Matrix Mode This is a working system for displaying incoming UniLang messages. I thought it might stir up some interest in the project. (problemspace) __________________________________________________________________ Apartment Finder /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/apartment-finder/results.html __________________________________________________________________ Chapter 3. Irish Heritage Computer Systems In general please forgive the special interest in Irish. As I am interested in Irish culture and history, since the psychosis I use that interest to propel projects of that can be applied to many other areas as well. __________________________________________________________________ Formalization of the Irish Annals This hack seeks to codify all the ancient Irish annals into a knowledge based system suitable for asking all kinds of queries about the histories of particular people, groups, places, etc, in Ireland. Obviously it could be applied elsewhere. A related effort is to construct what I call the "Tara Knowledge Archives" which seeks to index texts relating to this ancient capital of Ireland and augment them with all kinds of semantic markup, like found in the AlleyOop tool. Very little has been done save to run the Free Logic Form parser against them to create logic forms. Additionally, they can be queried using the QUAC question answering system. The annals themselves are mostly from the CELT project. They should be stored properly in DigiLib using the Greenstone digital library or something similar. /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/minor/irish-annals/results.txt __________________________________________________________________ Irish TTS all -s data/irish-sample -l GA __________________________________________________________________ Save Tara Myspace Mailings Nifty little program to send messages to people on myspace who are friends of certain groups. /home/andrewdo/save-tara __________________________________________________________________ More Comprehensive Irish/English Freedict __________________________________________________________________ Chapter 4. Incomplete Hacks Awesome NLP Library Combining as many different NLP libraries together PerlLib::NLP; # the most complete known NLP library # given an object what can we do with it or transform it to # aspects of functions my $c = [ Text => { "" }, QuestionAnswering => { "", }, Extraction => { "Named Entities", "N-Grams", "Rhymes", "", }, Phrase => { "Dictionary Lookup", "Encyclopedia Lookup", "Wordnet Lookup", "Rhyming", "Connotations", "Associations", }, Question => { }, ]; my $capabilities = { "Question Answering" => { "TextMine" => [qw(QuestionP ClassifyQuestionType AnswerQuestion)], }, "NamedEntityExtraction" => {}, "Topic Detection and Tracking" => {}, "LanguageModelling" => {}, "AffectiveClassification" => { "Conceptnet" => [], } "English Predicate Parser" => { }, "Formalization" => {}, } __________________________________________________________________ Inventory Management Show Eric's 3d inventory module. /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/shops/shops __________________________________________________________________ Chapter 5. Wishlist Hacks Nuance PaperPort Equivalent __________________________________________________________________ IRC Topic Detection and Tracking __________________________________________________________________ Boycott Manager We need to develop software that provides users with the ability to determine the pro's and con's of purchasing from a particular vendor or company, based on knowledge about the company's political dealings. The largest problem with this is contamination and hacking of it. But basically, software should maintain knowledge about specific issues, and make deductions based on what you tell it your position is, helping you choose a company to purchase from. Functionality belongs in Broker. P.S. You may also be interested in a project of mine to create a system for diseminating intelligence to consumers about which companies to boycott. The idea is that various sources can put out boycott demands (signed with their key), along with their reason for the boycott, and then the application can track which issues they agree with, in order to effectively boycott certain companies. While it may be a nice tool, it is somewhat subject to attack and disinformation, but I think it can improve the current situation nonetheless. __________________________________________________________________ A programming language based on Natural Language/Perl __________________________________________________________________ Speech Recognition We need to get usable large vocabulary speaker independent recognition packaged. __________________________________________________________________ Planning, Scheduling and Execution Systems There are several systems here designed to improve the planning scheduling and execution abilities of the system, such as PSE, Score, etc. __________________________________________________________________ Terminology Management __________________________________________________________________ Linux Alternatives/Equivalents/Replacements, Software Substitution Database ( ) __________________________________________________________________ Intelligent Software Review Write a system to model what you know about software. And then present you novel information. __________________________________________________________________ Chapter 6. Non-FRDCSA Hacks Accessing your bank acount with GnuCash __________________________________________________________________ Conglomerating Events Calendars with Geek Event Aggregator References Visible links 1. file://localhost/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/data/evangelist/presentations/chiglug-20080512/doc/dump.html#AEN8 2. file://localhost/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/data/evangelist/presentations/chiglug-20080512/doc/dump.html#introduction 3. file://localhost/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/data/evangelist/presentations/chiglug-20080512/doc/dump.html#AEN13 4. file://localhost/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/data/evangelist/presentations/chiglug-20080512/doc/dump.html#packager 5. file://localhost/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/data/evangelist/presentations/chiglug-20080512/doc/dump.html#folksonomy 6. file://localhost/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/data/evangelist/presentations/chiglug-20080512/doc/dump.html#quac 7. file://localhost/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/data/evangelist/presentations/chiglug-20080512/doc/dump.html#goalsetting 8. file://localhost/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/data/evangelist/presentations/chiglug-20080512/doc/dump.html#dreams 9. file://localhost/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/data/evangelist/presentations/chiglug-20080512/doc/dump.html#clear 10. file://localhost/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/data/evangelist/presentations/chiglug-20080512/doc/dump.html#spideringsourceforge 11. file://localhost/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/data/evangelist/presentations/chiglug-20080512/doc/dump.html#classify 12. file://localhost/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/data/evangelist/presentations/chiglug-20080512/doc/dump.html#memax 13. file://localhost/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/data/evangelist/presentations/chiglug-20080512/doc/dump.html#codemonkey 14. file://localhost/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/data/evangelist/presentations/chiglug-20080512/doc/dump.html#classificationunilang 15. file://localhost/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/data/evangelist/presentations/chiglug-20080512/doc/dump.html#bard 16. file://localhost/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/data/evangelist/presentations/chiglug-20080512/doc/dump.html#cso 17. file://localhost/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/data/evangelist/presentations/chiglug-20080512/doc/dump.html#csomore 18. file://localhost/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/data/evangelist/presentations/chiglug-20080512/doc/dump.html#bookscanner 19. file://localhost/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/data/evangelist/presentations/chiglug-20080512/doc/dump.html#busroute 20. file://localhost/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/data/evangelist/presentations/chiglug-20080512/doc/dump.html#pgourmet 21. file://localhost/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/data/evangelist/presentations/chiglug-20080512/doc/dump.html#foodontology 22. file://localhost/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/data/evangelist/presentations/chiglug-20080512/doc/dump.html#freekbs 23. 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