(deftemplate address
 (slot name)
 (slot firstname)
 (slot middle_initial)
 (slot lastname)
 (slot address1)
 (slot address2)
 (slot city)
 (slot county)
 (slot state)
 (slot zipcode)
 (slot country)

(deftemplate debt
 (slot debtor)
 (slot amount)
 (slot payee)
 (slot type)

(defrule is-alive
 "A person who is not dead is alive"
 (person ?person)
 (not (is-dead ?person))
 (assert (is-alive ?person)))

(defrule consider-foodstamps 
 "An Illinois resident without a job who is not disqualified from
receiving foodstamps should attempt to receive them."
 (address (name ?person) (state Illinois))
 (not (has-job ?person ?job))
 (not (disqualified-from-receiving-foodstamps ?person))
 (assert (should-have-goal ?person (str-cat "(is-receiving-foodstamps " ?person ")"))))

(defrule consider-unemployment
 "A US citizen without a job should attempt to get federal
unemployment benefits."
 (citizen-of ?person USA)
 (address (name ?person) (country USA))
 (not (has-job ?person ?job))

 (assert (should-have-goal ?person (str-cat "(is-receiving-unemployment " ?person ")"))))

(defrule consider-emergency-health-insurance 
 (not (has-health-insurance ?person ?insurance))
 (address (name ?person) (country USA))
 (assert (should-have-goal ?person (str-cat "(has-disaster-health-insurance " ?person ")"))))

(defrule is-related-to
 "Should be able to determine when someone is related to someone else"
  (father-of ?person1 ?person2)
  (mother-of ?person1 ?person2)
  (brother-of ?person1 ?person2)
  (sister-of ?person1 ?person2)
 (assert (is-related-to ?person1 ?person2))
 (assert (is-related-to ?person2 ?person1))

(defrule has-personal-relationship
 (is-alive ?person1)
 (is-alive ?person2)
  (is-related-to ?person1 ?person2)
  (has-friend ?person1 ?person2)
  (has-friend ?person2 ?person1)
 (assert (has-personal-relationship ?person1 ?person2))
 (assert (has-personal-relationship ?person2 ?person1))

(defrule has-support-network
 "Has at least say three not bad personal relationship"
 ;; quantify the strength of the network eventually
 (has-personal-relationship ?person1 ?person2)
 (has-personal-relationship ?person1 ?person3&~?person2)
 (has-personal-relationship ?person1 ?person4&~?person2|~?person3)
 (relationship-strength ?person1 ?person2 ~bad)
 (relationship-strength ?person1 ?person3 ~bad)
 (relationship-strength ?person1 ?person4 ~bad)
 (assert (has-support-network ?person1)))

;; deal with threat of repossession

(defrule has-access-to-shelter-auto 
 "An automobile can be used as a shelter"
 ;; add climate exceptions
 (has-automobile ?person ?auto)
 (runs ?auto)
 (is-street-legal ?auto)
 (assert (has-shelter ?person ?auto)))

(defrule has-access-to-shelter-normal
 "A residence can be used as a shelter"
  (has-house ?person ?building)
  (has-apartment ?person ?building)
 (assert (has-shelter ?person ?building)))

(defrule has-access-to-shelter-friend
 "A strong friend with a shelter can provide a shelter"
 ;; add exceptions for shelter maximum capacity
 (has-personal-relationship ?person1 ?person2)
 (relationship-strength ?person1 ?person2 good)
 (has-shelter ?person2 ?shelter)
 (assert (has-shelter ?person1 ?shelter)))

(defrule has-transportation
   (has-automobile ?person ?auto)
   (has-cash-on-hand ?person)   
  (has-bicycle ?person ?bicycle)
 (assert (has-transportation ?person)))

(defrule has-access-to-computer-laptop
 (has-laptop ?person ?laptop)
 (assert (has-access-to-computer ?person ?laptop)))

(defrule has-access-to-computer-normal
 (has-computer ?person ?computer)
 (assert (has-access-to-computer ?person ?computer)))

(defrule has-access-to-computer-library
 (has-library-card ?person ?library)
 (has-transportation ?person)
 (has-computer ?library ?computer)
 ;; add something about a library being within range
 (assert (has-access-to-computer ?person ?computer)))

(defrule has-access-to-a-bank-account
  (has-bank-account ?person1 ?account1)
   (relationship-strength ?person1 ?person2 good)
   (has-bank-account ?person2 ?account2)
 (assert (has-access-to-a-bank-account ?person1)))

(defrule internet-based-ordering
  (has-access-to-computer ?person ?computer)
  (has-access-to-bank-account ?person ?account)
 (assert (can-order-from-the-internet ?person)))

(defrule can-run-get-help-locally 
 (has-access-to-computer ?person ?computer)
 (assert (can-run-get-help ?person ?computer)))

(defrule has-job
  (has-parttime-job ?person ?job)
  (has-fulltime-job ?person ?job))
 (assert (has-job ?person ?job)))

(defrule find-inexpensive-healthcare
 (not (has-job ?person ?job))
 (has-medical-condition ?person ?condition)
 (assert (should-have-goal ?person (str-cat "(has-inexpensive-healthcare " ?person ")"))))

(defrule use-illinois-dhs-job-placement-service
 (has-medical-condition ?person ?condition)
 (condition-type ?condition mental-illness)
 (has-shelter ?person ?shelter)
 (address (name ?person) (state Illinois))
 (not (has-job ?person ?job))
 (assert (should-have-goal ?person (str-cat "(has-used-illinois-dhs-job-placement-service " ?person ")"))))

(defrule has-student-loan-debt
 (person ?person)
 (debt (debtor ?person) (type Student-Loan))
 (assert (has-student-loan-debt ?person)))

(defrule should-track-finances
 (has-goal ?person fulfill-all-responsibilities)
 (not (has-financial-records ?person ?records))
 (assert (should-have-goal ?person (str-cat "(is-tracking-finances " ?person ")"))))

(defrule take-care-of-dependants
 (has-dependant ?person1 ?person2)
 (assert (must-ensure-well-being-of ?person1 ?person2)))

(defrule pay-taxes
 (address (name ?person) (country USA))
 (assert (must-pay-taxes ?person)))

(defrule usability-encumbrance
 (has-medical-condition ?person blindness)
 (assert (has-usability-encumbrance ?person)))

(defrule have-a-financial-plan
 (person ?person)
 (not (has-financial-plan ?person ?plan))
 (assert (should-have-goal ?person (str-cat "(has-financial-plan " ?person ")"))))

(defrule the-vna-may-help
 (is-being-treated-by-the-VNA ?person)
 (assert (has-inexpensive-healthcare ?person)))

; (defrule listing-beneficiaries-on-bank-accounts 
;  "If you have a considerable savings in a bank account, you should
; consider naming a beneficiary to receive that savings in the event
; that you die"
;  )