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15:47:55 <aindilis> I have a question regarding licensing
15:48:16 <aindilis> I am working on a life-planning coach software system,
      using expert system technology
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15:48:39 <aindilis> It's supposed to be a free software system to help one get
      on top of their life in all aspects
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      #fsf: #fsf
15:49:09 <aindilis> In fact, I have a link to it: 
15:49:11 <aindilis>
15:49:26 <aindilis> In it you will see rules written for the expert system
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15:50:08 <aindilis> my licensing question is, can I just take various
      self-help books and codify their logic into the expert system, or will
      that be a license violation?
15:50:41 <aindilis> So for instance, I have a silly book called "Total Money
      Makeover", which I'm sure contains all kinds of advices on how to get on
      top of your financial situation
15:50:57 <aindilis> can I just codify the rules that they talk about into
      CLIPS and release as free software
15:51:04 <aindilis> finit
15:54:35 <asaun> aindilis: you might want to try emailing the GPL Licensing
15:57:17 <aindilis> thanks