This is the Proposal for the American Hacklab Infolab. Problem: Corporate Media, owned by just a few companies, has a monopoly on the ideas that are force fed to "consumers". Likewise, corporations to a large extent control the computer operating systems. The internet, however, has seen the production of many documentaries, documentation, and operating systems which offer different and important viewpoints. Many of these documentaries and operating systems are licensed with free redistribution, and can be distributed via DVD. The goal of the American Hacklab Infolab project is to create, in the tradition of European hacklabs (but without the physical space requirements), Infolabs that can help with the distribution of materials. AQUISITION OF DVD REPLICATORS It is tedious for folks to manually burn CDs and DVDs. Therefore, the aquisition of such replicators is necessary for the efficient distribution of Linux DVDs, copyleft films and other important media. However, the cost is usually too much for one group to afford. Herein I advocate a model, called the "American Hacklab Infolab", which can safely virtualize the hacklab process and get both Linux installation media as well as important DVDs for public screening. I will start a separate bank account which will hold the funds from initial donations. There are many groups that would like to see such a project advanced, such as Linux User Groups and meetups like the "Fight Big Media" meetup. By soliciting small donations from such group we can effectively pool our resources in order to bootstrap the process with the aquisition of a DVD replicator. NOT-FOR-PROFIT MODEL The DVDs should be packaged appropriately, and should be offered, limit 1 or 2 per customer (to prevent competitive groups from coming in and simply discarding the disks to prevent their distribution), under the following scheme. The user may decide to pay for the parts cost of the disc (i.e. the cost of the disc shroud, print ink, DVD media, disc label; but not including labor, which would be volunteer). Or they may take it for free. Independently, they may decide to make a donation towards the acquisition of additional DVD replicators to be given to other LUGs/groups. ADDRESSING WHITESPACE Places like the city are good places to contribute materials. But also, the suburbs are an important battleground. However, within the suburbs there are various shops, like Raw food stores, video stores, etc, that would be fertile areas for the distribution of materials with which to gain a foothold in the suburbs. Proselytization is bad, however, by making the materials available we offer better choices to consumers. LEGAL PROBLEMS As we know, today's legal climate is dangerous. Every effort therefore must be done to remain on the right side of the law and outside of the attack range of various pro-censorship groups. Therefore, not only must the wording be chosen correctly, but no illegal dissemination of materials (such as copyrighted materials) is to be tolerated. As Richard Nixon said in his Kitchen House debate: "You must not be afraid of ideas." And as Indian Jone's father said "goose stepping morons like [censors] , should try reading books instead of burning them!!!!!" THE MANUAL The model of the "American Hacklab Infolab" or whatever we decide to name it, must be carefully developed, and documentation kits provided for download. A good website must developed and hosted in a safe country that has stringent laws against censorship. ADDITIONAL NOTES Every effort must be made to get in touch with existing internet sources of free documentary films. A ratings system needs to be developed, and information distributed on the cover and also in the video itself, which warns audiences that viewer discretion needs to be advised for certain films. infoshop +quote indiana jones freedom of information and similar ideas to protect the political aspects so that it can't be deemed illegal by linking it to important FOIA and similar concepts donations are solicited for the purchase of DVD replicators so that other people can acquire and run infolabs. the main purpose of them is to address the audience where they don't read the computer, they don't use the internet but they do watch DVDs. traditionally big media controls those sewer pipes, write the entire plan, make it a non-forprofit setup donation system over the internet solicit funds make a website. make a zip file with all the info need to run hacklab medialab, send info out to other possibly interested parties. for linux you need to replicate various distros and live linux you don't want to give the discs to someplace where someone opposes the disc can just come in and through them out customer has option of buying or taking disc. buying only covers the cost of each disc all this info is printed on sleeve. the rating system is to protect audiences who are not accustomed to means the inclusion on the disc of an additional chapter we solicit people like Salil to help with DVD menus solicit openvideo to hope with video email several of the people who run free documentary sites on the web to get their man power and donations involved idea is obviously an eigenvector seek political backing setup website like hacklabinfolab make it a POSI project Create an archive, mirror across many servers, of the videos. Use standard linux mirrors. Setup checklists for uploading iso images to the repository (burn and test documentaries and their menus) queueing print jobs (with items,quantities, delivery location (to distribution agents), etc)