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Psyche: an Interactive Fiction game engine based on the Cyc system's avatar image
by aindilis (@aindilis), published 4 years ago

We set out to make a game based on integrating a Prolog-based (pengines) web server with the Large Knowledge Collider which runs a version of Cyc We integrated the AMZI Adventure in Prolog (nanisearch) for game play mechanisms, intended to expand it. Our concept was you are a robot searching for and often bartering parts in order to become whole. Well, we spent most of the time getting the back-end engine working, and it does work great! But we ran out of time to get our content implemented. About the back-end, it goes Firefox <-> psyche_server:larkc_client <-> larkc_server:LarKC_CL The arrows represent http connections. We were able to implement individual sessions for users, and when the session starts it populates a Knowledge-Base Microtheory (or Context) with bookkeeping assertions and state for the game. Then as the game progresses, we retract and assert the game state, just as nanisearch does with the Prolog factbase, except using LarKC_CL. When we have further integrated content, we can make better use of the Cyc ontology. For instance, we will probably add the ability for users to create items in the world. They can say ‘Max is a Dog’. And using the ontology, it will know that Max probably has four legs, that Max is a mammal, etc. It will know hundreds of things about Max. Then we can really flesh out the game play mechanics for a “simulation with side-effects”. Anyway, so stoked and super grateful to our team who managed to pull this off. I said at the start of the game jam that if we had nanisearch integrated with LarKC_CL I would be happy, and that is exactly what we have. Go Team Prolog! nanisearch.jpg

jjjjason's avatar image
by jjjjason (@jjjjason), published 4 years ago

Yooo this sounds super cool. Is there anywhere I can follow to keep up with future progress?

aindilis's avatar image
by aindilis (@aindilis), published 4 years ago

@jjjjason Thanks for you interest! I am asking around for the best place. Get back to you in a few.

aindilis's avatar image
by aindilis (@aindilis), published 4 years ago

@jjjjason I asked around and the consensus is that you should follow our github page - it’s the most likely to continue to be updated:

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