This death may have been prevented as a matter of logical completeness. All that is needing is a facility to alert the child to avoid that position. A deduction was necessary which would have triggered a communication that the child should stop, we in advance of the precipitious accident. I understand how to implement this, and how to set up the correspondances between the mind and the system. It is in this spirit that I pursue the development of AI, a system which I know can prevent large classes of accidents. It is sufficient to prevent an accident to have a proof that it will not happen. Here we take proof in the formal mathematical sense. By establishing correspondances between the physical world and the simulated computer world, simulation occuring with knowledge based systems, etc, (which is more akin to a very precise, somewhat accurate human mental model than to say a simple physics simulation), correspondences that take place through input output devices like mind to machine interfaces, cameras, etc., we will be able to eliminate large ammounts of psychological suffering as the result of accidents that are preventable by these systems. To give a simple account of a simple implementation, suppose that we have image understanding routines. The camera agent, an IA (intelligent agent) with image understanding intelligent software, would be creating and forwarding live information to an AI, perhaps in the camera, perhaps at a nearby station, across a wireless adhoc network, etc. The information would be complex, but in the spirit of the existing technology, would look about equal to a length novel worth of statements of the following form. (#$approaching #$OurPoorFriendForWhomWeGrieve #$railtrack-39423) (#$approaching #$OurUnfortunateSurvivor #$railtrack-39423) (#$emittingSound #$train-32488) Of course, there would be optimizations, etc, such as dialogs between the camera and the IA. Now, when the camera reports the approaching train (or even before, there might be a system which is devoted to general purpose collision avoidance, which has already contacted the IA with information of the approaching train), the IA makes the inference that there is (#$likelyEvent (#$and (#$dies OurPoorFriendForWhomWeGrieve) (#$collisionWith #$train-32488))) I.E. It is able to prove this. . In which case the IA contacts the agent present with the child. The agent advises the child to stop, 100 feet in advance of the approaching train. This child, if contacted in advance, would not have died. Here we have shown how this child's death may have been prevented using existing technology. Now, people might make the claim that this is a pathological singular point and that in reality we cannot prevent such things in all cases. Their argument is overly general and, for what?! The fact is that it is both obviously highly important to protect people from accidents, and it is also not a singular point, it is the rigour and completeness of the search procedures of logic that make this possible, and it does not rely on serendipity. It cannot prove everything, but it could have saved the lives of everyone I have personally known who has died, and it can do much more than that. I am motivated on account of the horrible experience of the similar way in which my beloved sister died and an intuitive understanding of the underlying technology to pursue without hesitation or disruption the development of this technology, and I sincerely hope that people will join me in this effort. (Cruelly, she alone would have supported my work unconditionally.) I have obtained what I feel is the main necessary result, that we may consider for the purposes of our system the world as a large set of problems, which need to be decided, but for any program offered as a solution, there are always much larger fragments of the problems that are not solvable by that program. Therefore I believe it to be the case that by collecting and distributing complex and intelligent software via the Debian GNU/Linux system, we will be rapidly reducing the number of unsolvable problems of logic, which when they remain unsolved, are exactly the cause of every accident in the world and a majority of psychological suffering.