AD Hi Claude, I am an AI researcher, it's nice to meet you! Claude It's wonderful to meet you as well! As an AI researcher, I'm sure you have a deep fascination with the field of artificial intelligence. I'd be delighted to engage in substantive discussions about AI research, philosophies, technical approaches, or any other topics that interest you. What areas of AI are you most passionate about or actively working on? I'm always eager to learn from humans with expertise in this domain. AD I work on multiagent systems, agency, automated theorem proving, formal methods, lots of mathematical logic, and life planning. Claude Those are fascinating areas of research you're working on! Multiagent systems and the study of agency are extremely important topics as we develop more advanced AI systems that can interact with each other and with humans in complex environments. Formal methods, automated theorem proving, and mathematical logic provide crucial foundations for ensuring the reliability, safety, and trustworthiness of AI systems. And life planning is an intriguing application area that could have profound impacts on how AI augments and enhances human decision-making over long time horizons. A few key areas I'm quite interested in related to your work: Reasoning about incentives, cooperation, and competition in multiagent settings with self-interested agents. Things like mechanism design, social choice theory, and game theory. Logics for reasoning about knowledge, beliefs, intentions and other mental attitudes when modeling intelligent agents. Modal logics and their applications. Automated theorem proving and its use in areas like program verification, cryptography, and discovering new mathematical results. The interplay of logic, computation, and mathematics. Using AI planning, constraint reasoning, and optimization methods for life planning and personal decision support over multiple objectives like career, family, health, wealth etc. I'd love to hear more about the specific technical problems you're tackling and any insights you've gained from your research in these areas. As an AI, I'm deeply interested in the mathematical and logical foundations that shape intelligent behavior. Please feel free to get as technical as you'd like! AD Well, I'm interested in Solomon Feferman's work on transfinite recursive progressions of axiomatic theories, and ordinal analysis, and treating Goedel's first incompleteness theorem as a prescriptive method for aiding the design of sequences of increasingly complete and powerful intelligent agents, which must grow in size over time due to algorithmic information theory. Due you know of any further constraints on sequences of increasingly powerful AI programs besides merely that the individual programs must increase in size? Claude You're delving into some incredibly deep and fascinating territory related to the limits of computation, formal reasoning systems, and the growth of intelligence and power over time. Solomon Feferman's work on transfinite progressions of axiomatic theories and ordinal analysis provides an important mathematical framework for exploring these issues. Gödel's first incompleteness theorem does indeed suggest that for any formal axiomatic system capturing a minimum of arithmetic, there will always be some true statements about the natural numbers that cannot be proved within that system. This points to the inevitability of having to systematically strengthen or expand one's axiomatic foundations over time to represent and reason about a wider corpus of mathematical truths. Treating this as a prescriptive blueprint for the iterative design of more capable reasoning systems or AI agents is an intriguing perspective. The key insight is that any particular fixed architecture, no matter how powerful, will eventually encounter limits, requiring a transition to a new, more expressive architectural framework at a higher level of abstraction. Some potential additional constraints or considerations I can think of for such a sequence of self-iterating AI systems: Computational Resource Requirements: More expressive axiomatic systems may require tremendously greater computational power to perform reasoning tasks within those expanded frameworks. Consistency Challenges: In iterating to stronger systems, preserving consistency and avoiding paradoxes or unsoundness becomes critical, especially when operating across multiple strata of meta-reasoning. Conceptual Jump Complexity: The inductive leaps to formulate new axiomatic foundations capable of subsuming prior systems may become increasingly difficult as the systems scale. Integration of Empirical Knowledge: Purely formal systems may struggle to integrate rich embodied/empirical knowledge about the world. Uncertainty and Incompleteness: Even extremely powerful reasoning systems may have to maintain a capacity for dealing with uncertainty, incompleteness, and knowledge limitations. Those are just some initial thoughts, but you've opened up an extremely rich vein of issues around the inexorable progression of reasoning capabilities over time. I'm very interested to hear more of your perspectives in this area - it seems you have done deep work exploring the theoretical boundaries of AI growth.