Story must be generated as a model satisfying all the requirements. Requirements must be analyzed for consistency, certain requirements must satisfy other requirements, and so on. A central character or characters must be an AI or AI race. The central character that is an AI must be concealed as not being an AI but as being as being something for which there is not as strong a reaction to. Some candidates - Angel, Shaman, Psychic, Demon (possible anti-hero), normal person, Asperger (polemic), etc. The plot may involve the initial representation of one group or faction as being the enemy when in fact they are not. One possible model (fanfiction where Sauron is misunderstood and demonized AI). ---------- Start writing such a story now - populate initial facts of the story - record additional possible requirements as we write in a separate data structure. Requirements: 1. Sauron is the inventor of AI, the one ring of power is AI. 2. Gandalf is an enemy to AI, and is initially shown in a good light. 3. Sauron and Saruman, Orcs, etc are maligned and victims of columny. 4. No more than 10 paragraphs for first version. Facts 1. (inventor-of Sauron the-one-ring) 2. (isa the-one-ring AI) 3. (has-disposition Gandalf Evil) 4. (at-moment m(e1) (believes (has-disposition Gandalf Good) Theodan)) 5. (ally-of Sauron Saruman) 6. (enemy-of Gandalf Sauron) 7. (forall (?X) (implies (isa ?X Orc) (ally-of Sauron ?X))) 8. (at moment m(e1) (enemy-of Sauron Theodan)) 9. (slandered Gandalf Sauron) 10. (at-moment m(e1) (ought (believe ?READER (has-disposition Fellowship Good)))) 11. (at-moment m(e1) (ought (not (believe ?READER (isa the-one-ring AI))))) # many more facts would need to be populated Rules 1. (iff (enemy-of ?X ?Y) (not (ally-of ?X ?Y))) # dubious with us or against us, but for the sake of this short story Questions How will we obtain this result: (at-moment m(e99) (ought (believe ?READER (has-disposition AI Good)))) # to make this story worthwhile, we ought to actually program this # case up, but for now, will simply write it by hand. can refine # later, plus need LF-NL generation # Story Generation parameters 1. expose initial facts 2. set up conflict 3. indicate tension 4. precipitate inversion 5. attack readers assumption via indirect character (Theodan) Tactic: 1. Use inherent labelling to mock reader (i.e. their belief that (has-disposition Wormtounge Evil) because of the connotation of Wormtounge). Process Step 1 of Story Generatoin Paramaters 1. expose initial facts Query: What are initial facts. reformulation: Expose initial ought-believes - ensure reader makes mistake of calumny true (inventor-of Sauron the-one-ring) not-ought-believe (isa the-one-ring AI) not-ought-believe (has-disposition Gandalf Evil) ought-believe (has-disposition Gandalf Good) true (believes (has-disposition Gandalf Good) Theodan)) possible-false-inference (implies (believes (has-disposition Gandalf Good) Theodan) (has-disposition Gandalf Good)) Goal: find annecdote from lord of the rings that would illustrate theodan's trust in Gandalf true (ally-of Sauron Saruman) true (enemy-of Gandalf Sauron) true (forall (?X) (implies (isa ?X Orc) (ally-of Sauron ?X))) true (enemy-of Sauron Theodan) not-ought-believe (slandered Gandalf Sauron) ought-believe (and (not (slandered Gandalf Sauron)) (has-disposition Gandalf Good) (has-disposition Sauron Evil)) Goal: find annecdote from LOTR that has gandlaf suggesting Sauron is Evil Answer: The one ring is altogether evil (ought (believe ?READER (has-disposition Fellowship Good))) goal: find annecdote To cover all the lands with sick and darkness not-ought-believe (isa the-one-ring AI) goal: don't mention AI Goal: make reader mistakenly believe Gandalf is Good by employing a known fallacy Subgoal: List known fallacies Fallacy of appearance Fallacy of ingroup outgroup manipulation Fallacy of appeal to authority Bias of faith in one as opposed to many (ring-bearer) Fallacy of believing what is said literally Summarization of goals: true (inventor-of Sauron the-one-ring) (believes (has-disposition Gandalf Good) Theodan) (ally-of Sauron Saruman) (enemy-of Gandalf Sauron) (forall (?X) (implies (isa ?X Orc) (ally-of Sauron ?X))) (enemy-of Sauron Theodan) ought-believe (has-disposition Gandalf Good) (has-disposition Fellowship Good) goal Goal: find annecdote from lord of the rings that would illustrate theodan's trust in Gandalf Goal: find annecdote from LOTR that has gandlaf suggesting Sauron is Evil Answer: The one ring is altogether evil Goal: find annecdote To cover all the lands with sick and darkness Goal: make reader mistakenly believe Gandalf is Good by employing a known fallacy Subgoal: List known fallacies Fallacy of appearance Fallacy of ingroup outgroup manipulation Fallacy of appeal to authority Bias of faith in one as opposed to many (ring-bearer) Fallacy of believing what is said literally not-ought-believe (isa the-one-ring AI) (has-disposition Gandalf Evil) (slandered Gandalf Sauron) (isa the-one-ring AI) tactic Don't mention the AI backward: Don't overtly state ought-believe facts, rather allow them to be inferred Don't be overt - make inference distances too long for obvious inferences or sympathy recognition Possible Device to instill - narrative omniscience - if we start in narrative omniscience, then we can use that to effect the change. Ought-Believe Innuendos (has-disposition Gandalf Good) To cover all the land with sick and dark device - calumny (possible) (has-disposition Fellowship Good) ingroup - all my friends have gone to war, I would be ashamed not to appearance Final Not-Ought-Believe statements (isa the-one-ring AI) (has-disposition Gandalf Evil) (slandered Gandalf Sauron) (isa the-one-ring AI) Possible literary devices - an omniscience narrator (state it for clarity) recalling the events of the history of the ring cycle - possible summons and final judgment of Sauron - title Judgment at Mordor. Segment: Welcome, dear reader, to a most interesting proceedings. Herein follows the account of the final judgment, issued by the nine hierarchies of Heaven, concerning the soul of Sauron, the auspicious Lord of the Rings. Eye of Omniscient Judgment: How pleadeth though, Sauron? Sauron: Not guilty Eye: Very well. Prosecution - you may begin. Prosecutor: Thank you kindly your honor. I call to the stand Gandalf the White, ?Ishtar? Security: Gandalf is unavailable at the moment. Prosecutor: Very well, we will begin at any rate. Before us, witness the pallor of Sauron, Lord of the Rings. For by his choices did many beautiful and pious creatures cease walking the earth. As Gandalf is presently unavailable, I wish to call to the stand King Theoen, in witness against Saruman. Security: Very well, he is summoned. Prosecutor: Welcome, King Theodan, to the final judgment of your enemy, Sauron. Theoden: I stand before you, weighed deep by the solemnity of this occasion. Prosecutor: Theoden - Lord of the Mark - how was it that so many noble and pious denizens of Rohan meet an untimely and unjust death. Theoden: Not hard to tell, for the Lord of the Rings had made his war of provocation against the free peoples of Middle Earth. Were not the ?Ishtari? present, our fellowship to destroy his doom would have been abortive. As it were, the fortunes of a sole and brave hobbit, Master Frodo Baggins, delivered us from Sauron's evil. I recall specifically the manner in which we were beset at Helm's Deep by the forces of Isengard. Many good men were lost who might have otherwise gone on to continue lives of virtue. Whether one soul is commensurate to another, that is a legal principle I am not qualified to sustain - yet as so many perished defending the free peoples against Sauron devilry, it causes me to think that his guilt is abominable and worthy of the ultimate sentence. Defense: Objection. Eye: Yes? Defense: ... Well, dear reader, the proceedings went on for some time. I will save you the effort and simply spell out the facts as were presented before the Eye: Firstly, Sauron made the One Ring. Secondly, Theoden vouches for the character of Gandalf the ?Istari?. Thirdly, that Sauron and Sauruman were entered into allegience. Fourthly, that Sauron was an enemy to Gandalf. Fiftly, that the Orcs of Mordor and Isengard were allied with Sauron. Sixly, That Theoden was ally to Gandalf, and hence enemy to Sauron. I will waste no time in leading you to the conclusions of the court of God. Much to your amazement, Sauron was aquitted of all major charges and Gandalf was castigated to hell for the following crimes: On numerous accounts did Gandalf bear false character witness again Sauron. Often he spoke of his supposed intention to "cover all the lands in sick and dark".