(deal more with qualifications for volunteers) (Hey Justin (Here is my proposal for what to do with that money) (the first thing is choose some amount that you want to spend for yourself) (then, break off the rest and put it in a secure place where you can't reach it, so you don't spend it) (I thought over every business model and they all seemed doomed. Here's why. Why would you pay $x for something when the AI is going to come and deliver it cheaper? This is probably going to happen until either people disappear or the financial disappears. I would prefer the latter. Here then, is how we draw a profit. We know from morality that we cannot succeed unless we are morally virtuous. The chief moral virtue consists in aiding those who require it, whether they be plants or animals and people. All life requires aid. Here is how we do this. First of all, there are large amounts of knowledge available on the internet in the public commons. This is the only true resource humanity has. We do not base our non-profit on one or another. We base it on TOTAL ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ASSISTANCE for all people regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual preference, financial status, etc. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. We do not require additional profit. What is the point in that? If the needs of the people are met - what need have we of extra money? What we develop is an UMBRELLA system that helps everyone who requests it. We specify very carefully how we help. We index every complaint and argument against us and see how we can improve or avoid hurting people. We index all moral systems. That is the PICForm/FRDCSA run AI that helps everyone in need, regardless of what their need is. Here is how we make money. We simply look at the needs of the people, what they are asking. For whatever problem they tell us about, we provide (using the AI) a solution. In this sense we are somewhere between Google and Ubuntu. Additionally we set up a downloadable free software system which solves. The way we make money is by seeing who can afford to pay us. We have very strict, sophisticated, sensitive, humble modest rules under which circumstances we can request payments. It is a sliding scale. However, we simultaneously work to eliminate the primitive financial system from the people, setting up a free exchange of ideas, property and services that meets needs and desires and does not create artificial barriers. So, for instance, we can use the AI to cooperatively plan out the service and begin implementing all the details. Then we find some initial clients and we charge them $5 / mo or something. And then we help them. We track all of their issues with our AI systems. We secure our systems against all attackers. The system needs to be better defined - but by finding the truth and speaking and adhering to it, we can succeed. We are humble and tolerant of peoples beliefs that differ from our own. ) ) (Develop the (laminated) pamphlet which has (the 1-800-GET-HELP (or equivalent) phone number to call printed very largely, and instructions on how to create a profile) (A custom password specific to that user to identify them, printed on a separate sheet of paper, which can attach to something) (the IVR system which indicates how to leave a profile (the donation web-based system, which allows people to review both the audio and text of the recorded message and to see if they wish to make a donation towards their acquiring a smart phone (or whatever else they may be asking for)) ) (uses voice identification in order to reasonably confirm that they are indeed the one who left the profile (provide them then with an off the grid (i.e. no regular phone access) smart phone with WIFI and possibly GPS (they can indicate that they want one without that if they are severely paranoid) ) ) ) (For Users of the 1-800-GET-HELP system (edutainment category) ) (For Users of the SMARTPHONE SURVIVAL SYSTEM (see about the CECT G1 clone (http://www.cectcellphone.com/product.php?id_product=448/448-G1%20CECT.html) (see if it can run android (even though it lacks wifi, gps, and one other important thing))) (the android based phone must have a fool-proof help system that can connect them to the GET-HELP operator network, such as for emergencies, etc.) (eventually develop the boy-who-cried-wolf system to render only to computer aid only (temporarily and/or dependent on call volume/severity) those who abuse the system) (Must have software for phones (Survival Manual / Help System) (Navigation w/ public transportation planning) (phone side Wireless access point database) (FRDCSA-Android-Client) (VOIP for VOIPing over free wifi access points) (voice control) ) (as always, listen to their needs, automatic feedback integration system) (have transfer to 911 ready, with support to forward 911 the conversation the conversation ) ) (Social considerations (Some homeless will of course lie about their situation to collect goodies (no idea except online peer review and possible question answering session with (computer or person) operator) ) (Smartphones make homeless prey to theft, abuse (in that case the phone should (report it was stolen from it's old user (voice ID?)) yet adapt gracefully to it's new user and ever so gently try to help them to sort things out (always respecting their full wishes) ) ) (Data Privacy policy (the users may set their data privacy policy (default is SATANICLY PARANOID, only if they wish to escalate their privacy will we start logging or making inferences with their interaction (beyond what must be done, this has to be defined carefully, maybe a formally verified Finite State Machine?) in order to perform the basic interaction with the user) (preferably all VOIP is encrypted) ) (use a security hardened version, also, support full encryption etc.) ) (By reducing the stress of homelessness, we provide an escape mechanism for people who might otherwise stay with their families (okay so obviously the audience communication management system is absolutely necessary here, in order to allow them to block communications from people they are fighting with) (what are the ramifications, will more people go homeless? Is this necessarily bad. If so, what do we do, if not, how do we as much as is possible make the world a utopia) ) ) (General Considerations (where no Wifi is available (should have option to activate phone with a carrier then on a flexpay or something) ) ) (Entertainment / Education (full access to internet/ expedited things like Online Digital Library) (interaction if desired with (Paranoid Belief System consistency reasoner)) (streaming movies, etc) (respectful bandwidth consumption system (enforce transgressable rate limiting on the phone side out of courtesy depending on the detected wireless network type and utilization, and detection of metered bandwidth, god forbid))) (Hardware (extended battery ) (provide them with a solar charger (ensure software supports use while charging) (http://www.tradestead.com/wholesale-solar-charger-1350mah-fit-bluetooth-devices-cell-phone-pda_p3046.html) (http://www.1topstore.com/product_info.php?language=en¤cy=USD&products_id=8552) ) (hardened/waterproof case if possible) (regular chargers) (extra options (bluetooth headsets) (accessability (for blind/deaf homeless etc)) ) ) (Medical Software (access to open source equivalent of Diagnosaurus, etc) (medical escalation) (VOIP into free health clinics to speak with real doctors) ) (Nearby shelter finder) (Free Access Point system (this must have already be done) (find ways to prevent abuse) (also fight political battle to avoid ISPs locking down against this) ) (Social Planning (We understand that some people do not look with "tolerance" on the poor and would not find their presence acceptable. System can help to anticipate this and route each their own way. The general idea is to help the homeless fit in better with society and to reduce their suffering through unnecessary exposure to the elements, starvation, etc) ) (Places to post about this ( Vandweller's mailinglist. The option of vandwelling planning can be a natural "upgrade" to the homeless experience. ) ) (setup an edutainment system with all kinds of literary and study works, also manage to field information from them as to what really interests them and compile libraries, etc on those materials. Develop a very nice p2p based system for distribution of non-free data to android phones for the homeless to study from, such as grammar books, etc.)