hasDialogEntry('change user to '). hasDialogEntry('change speaker to '). hasDialogEntry('change context to '). hasDialogEntry('change capsule to '). hasDialogEntry('when is my next appointment'). hasDialogEntry('when is the next appointment for '). hasDialogEntry('how many days until '). hasDialogEntry('cancel appointment with on '). hasDialogEntry('we need to reschedule appointment with on (to )?'). hasDialogEntry('reschedule appointment with on to '). hasDialogEntry('who''s coming at time T'). hasDialogEntry('what''s mondays schedule'). hasDialogEntry('who''s coming monday'). hasDialogEntry('who else is coming monday'). hasDialogEntry('what appointments are tomorrow'). hasDialogEntry('is there anything in the morning tomorrow'). hasDialogEntry('did we pay the water bill'). hasDialogEntry('when was the last time came'). hasDialogEntry('can I sleep in'). hasDialogEntry('do I have anything( scheduled)? (in the (morning|afternoon|evening)|at night)'). hasDialogEntry('when is (my|the) next appointment with '). hasDialogEntry('I like '). hasDialogEntry('I (dislike|don''t like) '). hasDialogEntry(' likes '). hasDialogEntry(' (dislike|don''t like) '). hasDialogEntry('call about '). %% hasDialogEntry('ask '). hasDialogEntry('tell '). hasDialogEntry('tell '). hasDialogEntry('summon '). hasDialogEntry('check on '). %% hasDialogEntry('what questions are pending for '). hasDialogEntry(' loaned '). hasDialogEntry('print out bank statement'). hasDialogEntry(' is '). hasDialogEntry('''s pain is at '). hasDialogEntry('''s pain is a '). hasDialogEntry('''s pain is at a '). hasDialogEntry(' ate '). hasDialogEntry('when will be hungry next'). hasDialogEntry('how hungry will likely be at time T'). hasDialogEntry('is likely to be hungry now'). hasDialogEntry('reorder '). hasDialogEntry('we need more '). hasDialogEntry('we ran out of '). hasDialogEntry('get '). hasDialogEntry('buy some? '). hasDialogEntry('order some? '). hasDialogEntry('we used up of the '). hasDialogEntry('there isn''t a lot of left'). hasDialogEntry('we have an extra of '). hasDialogEntry('we have tons of '). hasDialogEntry('we need '). hasDialogEntry('how much is there'). hasDialogEntry('do we have any left?'). hasDialogEntry('are there any left?'). hasDialogEntry('where can I buy ?'). hasDialogEntry('who has the cheapest price on ?'). hasDialogEntry('who sells the cheapest?'). hasDialogEntry('list all the food we have in the '). hasDialogEntry('list all the food we have (in|on) the of the '). hasDialogEntry('what baking ingredients do we have'). %% literal. i.e. ans: flower sugar hasDialogEntry('what ingredietns are required for '). hasDialogEntry('what ingredients do we still need to get to be able to make '). hasDialogEntry('how many fresh vegetables do we have'). hasDialogEntry('when were the fresh vegetables purchased'). hasDialogEntry('when was the purchased'). hasDialogEntry('is the still good'). hasDialogEntry('what recipes can we make with the ingredients we have'). hasDialogEntry('start cooking timer'). hasDialogEntry('start walking me through '). hasDialogEntry('what is the next recipe step'). hasDialogEntry('how many teaspoons are in a tablespoon'). hasDialogEntry('add to todo list '). hasDialogEntry('we''re out of '). hasDialogEntry('how many units do we have of '). hasDialogEntry('we have units of '). hasDialogEntry('at time T1, I saw object X at location Y'). hasDialogEntry('at time T1 I saw that object X was at location Y'). hasDialogEntry('where is the object X'). hasDialogEntry('at time T1, where was object X'). hasDialogEntry('in plan case P1, if it is known where object X should be at time T3 in the future, please tell me.'). hasDialogEntry('the last known location of object X is Y'). hasDialogEntry('the is in the '). hasDialogEntry('the default location of object X is Y'). hasDialogEntry('what is the default location of object X'). hasDialogEntry('the default location of object X was changed at time T4'). hasDialogEntry('it is unknown where object X was at time t5'). hasDialogEntry('object X was purchased at time t6'). hasDialogEntry('object X was sold, consumed or destroyed at time t7'). hasDialogEntry('there are 3 copies of object X in stock, in various conditions - c1, c2 and c3'). hasDialogEntry('object X may have been at location L sometime around duration T8 - T9'). hasDialogEntry('we''ve run out of object X as of now'). hasDialogEntry('consumable X is expected to be fully consumed by time T'). hasDialogEntry('condition C holds at time T'). hasDialogEntry('object X is not where I left it'). hasDialogEntry('I can''t find object X'). hasDialogEntry('object X has been lost since approximately time T'). hasDialogEntry('start procedure '). hasDialogEntry('next step'). hasDialogEntry('repeat previous step'). hasDialogEntry('skip this step'). hasDialogEntry('the kitchen window is (open|closed)'). %% hasDialogEntry('is the kitchen window (open|closed)'). hasDialogEntry('is the '). hasDialogEntry('is the kitchen window open or closed'). hasDialogEntry('which windows are open'). hasDialogEntry('the (oven|stove burners?) (is|are) (on|off)'). hasDialogEntry('(is|are) the? (oven|stove burners?) on or off'). hasDialogEntry('which devices are on'). hasDialogEntry('retrieve '). hasDialogEntry('what next'). hasDialogEntry('select plan '). hasDialogEntry('replan'). hasDialogEntry('list objectives'). hasDialogEntry('add objective'). hasDialogEntry('remove objective'). hasDialogEntry('list preconditions'). hasDialogEntry('list effects'). hasDialogEntry('current step completed'). hasDialogEntry('should I buy ?'). hasDialogEntry('a of buying is '). hasDialogEntry('there is a bill for for this month'). hasDialogEntry('We just paid the bill'). hasDialogEntry('the bill is due on '). hasDialogEntry('was the month bill paid'?. hasDialogEntry('when was the last time occurred'). hasDialogEntry('add function to to '). hasDialogEntry('the location X needs to be cleaned'). %% I.e. fridge hasDialogEntry('what voice? commands are there for '). hasDialogEntry('record '). hasDialogEntry('start recording in ). hasDialogEntry('stop recording in '). hasDialogEntry('what is the? (in the |outside|in )'). hasDialogEntry('change user to '). hasDialogEntry('I took '). hasDialogEntry(' had for (breakfast|lunch|dinner|a snack)'). hasDialogEntry(' had for (breakfast|lunch|dinner|a snack)'). hasDialogEntry(' for was a '). hasDialogEntry('wake '). hasDialogEntry(' just woke up'). hasDialogEntry(' is awake'). hasDialogEntry(' just got out of bed'). hasDialogEntry(' just went to bed'). hasDialogEntry(' just fell asleep'). hasDialogEntry(' is asleep'). hasDialogEntry('tell me the location of '). hasDialogEntry('start flp'). hasDialogEntry('reload flp source files'). hasDialogEntry('reload flp'). hasDialogEntry('restart flp emacs session'). hasDialogEntry('what is the for '). hasDialogEntry('what is the climate in the '). hasDialogEntry('record (sound|audio) in '). hasDialogEntry('stop recording (sound|audio) in '). hasDialogEntry(' set to degrees'). hasDialogEntry('lock (screen(s)) (for|on|of) '). hasDialogEntry('play clip '). hasDialogEntry('echo '). hasDialogEntry('add goal '). hasDialogEntry('stop Alexa in '). hasDialogEntry('stop Alexas'). hasDialogEntry('acknowledge pin '). hasDialogEntry('red alert').