YAPC::NA 2009 Proposed Talk Abstract

Title: POSI Open Source Initiative


POSI is a set of related software services written in Perl, using the FRDCSA middleware, that can be included in a Social Network or CMS. It does fine-grained tracking of user information using Semantic Web technologies, especially goals, interests and abilities (GIAs), and helps to form dynamic teams for completing goals that are important to members indivdually and overall. It can derive GIAs from users' online presence, their writings, and so forth using Natural Language Processing. It is being deployed at the Pumping Station One hacklab with plans to deploy at other hacker spaces. It has various interfaces such as Web and IRC bots.

Some of the services, in addition to skills match-making, are Job-Search, Intelligent Tutoring Systems (to teach subjects that user states they wish to know or that they can be computed to need based on Job Position data and their skills profile), and Temporal Planning for Personal Task Management (using the Verber system).


I intend to upload the 800 modules that make up POSI and the FRDCSA to the "FRDCSA::" namespace on CPAN before the talk. The distributions have been made, I am just fine tuning and seeking community feedback first.

This will be an improved version of the talk I gave at Flourish 2009.