Chapter 4. Incomplete Hacks

Table of Contents
Awesome NLP Library
Inventory Management

Awesome NLP Library

Combining as many different NLP libraries together PerlLib::NLP; # the most complete known NLP library # given an object what can we do with it or transform it to # aspects of functions my $c = [ Text => { "" }, QuestionAnswering => { "", }, Extraction => { "Named Entities", "N-Grams", "Rhymes", "", }, Phrase => { "Dictionary Lookup", "Encyclopedia Lookup", "Wordnet Lookup", "Rhyming", "Connotations", "Associations", }, Question => { }, ]; my $capabilities = { "Question Answering" => { "TextMine" => [qw(QuestionP ClassifyQuestionType AnswerQuestion)], }, "NamedEntityExtraction" => {}, "Topic Detection and Tracking" => {}, "LanguageModelling" => {}, "AffectiveClassification" => { "Conceptnet" => [], } "English Predicate Parser" => { }, "Formalization" => {}, }