Major Tracks For Internal Software

Cognitive Prostheses and Intelligence Augmentation

These are several projects dedicated towards improving workflows and providing executive skills support, similar to the USC CALO, and CMU RADAR and PAL projects. This means that the computer helps to provide schedule and itinerary management, task management, email correspondence management, and so on.

Major Systems:

Software Conglomeration and Packaging

This track (a.k.a. CSA (Cluster, Study and Apply)) focuses on improving the distribution of software to the end user by solving the operating system packaging step of application distribution.

Major Systems:

Health Software

This track focuses on developing useful software for improving the users health, such as providing software that functions as a doctor.

Major Systems:

Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge-ism

This track involves the development of state of the art artificially intelligence systems that provide support to all other areas of the project.

Major Systems:

Educational Systems and Autodidactism

This includes Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Experience Modelling Systems, and the like, responsible for educating users in whatever dimensions they wish.

Major Systems:

POSI Project Collaboration Group

Developing a system and community to help people work on projects together to maximize group collective problem solving capabilities. POSI Website. POSI-Core Website.

Major Goals:

Major Systems:


In addition to technical projects, we also look at the ethics of technology, and attempt to use the tools where possible for computational ethics.

Other Tracks

There are many more tracks besides. Additionally there are many mounting points for independent, related work. My goal is not so much to establish a hierarchical structure but to help facilitate a decentralized community of ethical problem solvers.